
How come on aug. 8 the moon was red and why did it it went all the way down as if the sun would

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How come on aug. 8 the moon was red and why did it it went all the way down as if the sun would




  1. I know this isn't an answer, but seeing how the moon only reflects light from the sun, maybe the two of them were at different spots in space than they normally are and different wave lengths hit the moon and reflected back.

    Or maybe haze and ozone?

    Maybe from all the fireworks set off in China for the opening of the Olympics?  

  2. the moon changes colour depending on where it is in the sky. if it is closer to the horizon, it looks more coloured due to having to look through more atmosphere than if it was higher up, where it appears more white.

    the atmosphere blocks light of some wavelengths (colours), so the more atmosphere you look through, the more the light from the moon is getting filtered.

  3. When you look at white light you are actually seeing the whole spectrum of colors. In order to see just the red/orange color all the other colors must be scattered away.

    The reason the moon appears orange when it is low is due to the scattering of light from particles in the air. The light from the moon has to travel through more air which contains water, dust, and so on. By the the time the light from the moon reaches our eyes all the colors except red or orange have been scattered away. When the moon is high in the sky there are not enough particles to scatter away light. So the moon appears white.

  4. because i told it to

  5. It always does that, you just never noticed before.

    The Moon, like the Sun and stars and every object in the whole sky, appears to rise and set each day as the Earth turns. And when it is low in the sky, the thicker, possibly hazy air low down makes it look redder, like like a sunset looks red.  

  6. Hey, it was 08-08-08....maybe the moon was was making a statement

  7. The moon can look red because of air pollution, aka dust and other particles suspended in the air. The light from the moon is scattered by those particles, but the blue spectrum is scattered more, which leaves mostly red and yellow spectrum to reach our eyes.

    Oh, and the moon sets and rises all the time, because it rotates around the earth.

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