
How come organizations such as crime stoppers don`t follow up when info has been provided by tippers?

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I`ve tried so hard to contact authorities via-mail to tip about a drug dealer here in Montreal and as hard as it is there isn`t a web page to do it




  1. Because that is the law's bread and butter that is how they make their money I they don't have a drug user to arrest they don't make any money.

  2. If you submitted your information to crime stoppers then you can assume some action was taken.  That action may turn out to be part of an ongoing police investigation that is still active.  That type of investigation takes a long time to develop, but don't think for one second that your information was not important.  You may never find out exactly how your information helped because crime stoppers info is never part of court evidence.  It is investigative in nature hopefully leading to convictions.  If you received a Crime Stoppers code number when you called, call them back and see if you qualify for a cash reward.  You will never be able to do that online because that info can be traced back to you.  Remember that Crime Stopperes does not subscribe to call-display and you will never be required to appear in court.  They don't know who you are and they don't care.  They promised you confidentiality and they carry that through.  Even the police will never know who you are ... no-one does.  Cheers!!

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