I used to work as a pizza delivery person part time for extra money. How come some people don't tip us? Is there no consideration for the fact we are putting ourselves at risk on the road, to deliver a pizza because the person is too lazy to pick it up themselves.
We tend to remember the addresses of chronic non-tippers. It is a known fact non-tippers will receive mediocre to poor service. Often, delivery drivers at the location I worked at would leave a chronic non-tippers pizza and grab known tippers or new customers pizzas as a priority.
We also tend to "forget" all the condiments for non-tippers. If they call the store and request we bring some out to them, we will usually take our time and bring them out within a few hours.
Also, the person not being able to afford a tip is NOT a viable excuse. If they can't afford a tip, how can they afford $30 in pizza?
Why do these same cheapskates get upset when they receive poor service. They know they don't tip.