
How come people are so fake and harsh these days?

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I just broke things off with a guy I have been with on and off for 2 years. Now I broke things off with one of my friends of 2 years. People are becoming more and more disappointing everyday and I don't get it. When you think you can trust someone and then you guys take a turn for the worst and they throw all kinds of things back in your face. Like if you tell them things that made you sad or things that hurt you it is like they use it as ammunition and I am completely destroyed over some of this stuff. I can't believe people can be so cruel especially the ones who are so close to you... or who were close to you...

Has anyone else experienced this? Share stories.




  1. Yes, I think when some people are nice it's just an act and sometimes they get tired of 'acting' and just let their guard down and become evil or distant to others.

    Yeah, usually they just get tired of being nice. When I get tired of being nice, I just sit there silently & ignore everyone. Heheh. A bit of a rambling answer not really related to your question but ah well. Lol.

  2. We're all in the same boat. Last week the guy of my dreams (haha don't tell him i said he's that) & I broke into a bad fight. Just a personal thing that i'm actually ashamed to say. So yeah. I believe we're not together anymore.  when we were together,   I told him stuff like that I couldnt work, he started encouraging me that i could do it anyway, but now i feel like maybe he was just trying to hard. Maybe he thinks too bad about me to have faith in me. I just can't let it get to me though. We gotta be strong, have courage!!

    People do act like that. Sometimes life slaps us on the face but listen. Life doesnt always act like a ******!! She can be graceful & full of mercy. She can give us people who come from God & protect us like angels!!


  3. The one consistent feature in all of your failed relationships in you.

  4. I have too many stories that I could share with you...but I won't put my personal business on the Internet.

    All I will say is that I completely understand where you're coming from.   It is difficult to have faith in humanity and to trust other people when you see all this stuff happening.

    My ex was like this with me.   He knew I suffered from severe depression and he taunted me about it.   My cousin who hates me for no reason once told me that I should kill myself, because no one would miss me.    She poisons other people against me when I've done absolutely nothing to her.    It is sad.  

    I don't have any friends.   I don't care if that makes me "weird"...I've actually matured beyond the point of needing people to validate my worth.    Most people disgust me with their cruelty and shallow behavior.    I'm married to a pretty wonderful guy and he is sort of like the best friend a person can have.  

    Just remember that despite your experiences, there are still a few good people out there.      

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