
How come people are so rude now adays?

by  |  earlier

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Like if you open the door for them, they never say thank you, or when you wave to them to let them in traffic, they never wave thank you, just some examples.




  1. Well, think of it this way, it's busy nowadays and there are increasing gas prices, most people are in a big real hurry. There probably so focused on their jobs that there isolated from the rest of the world.

  2. I think because they don't care about themselves or haven't being giving that kind of respect to give back to others.

  3. Same here, and if i do something nice, they take it for .granted. "insincerity". or as a weakness. -_-

  4. I agree with you, people are very rude today!

  5. That's just the way people are these days. I'm nice to them anyway ;)

  6. With the news organizations making every body distrust full of each other and Parents not teaching common Courtesy and the type of movies and music today's Young people are being fed it's no wonder rudeness is common. And hey pub i did live in the good ol day's and people were much more courteous than today.I also think a lack of religious up bringing is a big contributor.

  7. Another 'Only In America" moment.  

  8. aw was someone picking on you today?

    Did you live back in the old days?  You think people were polite then?  Think again.

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