
How come people can stay on welfare for a long time?

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Just wondering how peple can be allowed to stay on welfare and keep having kids. How can they be allowed to stay on it longer the 2-3 years? Why does the goverment feel the need to support people who don'y "feel" like workingwhile some people who need it get refused?




  1. In order to stay on welfare, you have to keep having kids.  Your monthly cheque increases with each baby.

    Many people do this.  It is the reason some of us (meaning me) work two jobs to have a comfortable lifestyle.  Less on the welfare roll, the less I would have to work.

  2. Thereis a time limit in most states, which is anywhere from 2-5 years.  Unfortunately, because they have children, they still get money for their children, which is still like 2/3 of the money just for 1 child.  Also, some states have penalties for more children.  Like in ca if you get pregnant again, then you cant get benefits for that child, unless you get off aid for 10 consecutive months.  But I look at that and I think well thats just long enough to work during the pregnancy, go on disability/maternity leave and get back on welfare.  There really is no reason to be on it for so long unless you have children how are special needs/disabled or are disabled.  I can see up to 5 years because by then you should have gotten an education.

  3. easier for the gov to give out checks than go through the trouble of checking out people's situation. they'd have to hire more people and do more paperwork and keep more records etc..

  4. Because we're a welfare state that babies lazy and unresponsible people.

  5. In our state you get a cash check for 2 kids maximum for 2 years LIFETIME maximum. I don't care if you have 10 only get cash assistance for 2 and then for only 2 years LIFETIME. YOu can food stamps for all of them but once the youngest child turns 5, the parents have to work so many hours or lose those food stamps. they have no choice except to get pregnant again.which is s******g the system.. I do think the govt needs to pass a law about that and maybe start giving them money for getting "fixed" . That may sound harsh but it's cheaper to pay them to be "fixed" than to pay for a bunch of kids that will eventually end up welfare moms themself or in foster care.  

  6. Because people take advantage of the system and are too lazy to try to better themselves.

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