
How come people don't think indept about certain things?

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For example I personally never thought about why we value old things and people so much?Why don't people think about these kind of things? How can they just let it be when they can't even answer some simple questions like these?




  1. You're on your way to thinking in depth.  Keep on, and you'll come across the answers.

  2. People are lazy and thinking hurts their heads.  

    As for the value of old people...They have life experiences that we as youngins don't and they lived through so much more from riding your horse to school if you were lucky to men in space. WOW.  Old things, well they probably are built better and with more care than a machine can build it today.

    It is hard to think deeply about things when you are focused on your self like most today.  It is how we are raised, self esteem before others.  Gain some self RESPECT and care for others and it will be a more thoughtful place.

  3. some people just have different beliefs

  4. They are the perfect example of 'shallow' individuals....those who are generally self-serving...

    Sad but the world is inudated with the "selfish" as if it is a infestation~

    So sad indeed~

  5. Ah - that's is NOT actually a simple question.

    It makes no sense at all.

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