
How come people fear or hate credit cards when they are my best friends?

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Is it because people lack control like me? Basically if you use it like a debit card, you have no problems. If you only spend what you can afford and pay the balance in full. No problem. It's just a debit card that gives you heaps of rewards, eventually enough credit scores to get good housing loans. It's all about control.




  1. A lot of people aren't responsible enough to pay it off every month and instead end up in debt due to high interest rates.

  2. Yes some of us lack control and my bank when I first signed up with them started me on a debit card.  But then to help them they changed it to a Credit card, and stupid here has do the big stupid thing used it on the Internet and got bitten and it hurt and had to turn in a police report and such to satisfy everyone that I had been bitten.  And got a site I had to send reports to the is suppossed to detect Internet Crime.  So some of us are not as lucky as you.  I have a block on my new one and will only release the number over the phone to whatever company I am dealing with on the Internet.  So good old lost control has got it back and I am getting ready to change it even more by taking the Credit card and changing my paying to my check book and managing in a better way.  So you are to be really pleased.  I learned the hard way.  And am so careful now, I feel like the Lord sent me a warning and said watch out but I will stay with you.

  3. I agree 100%!  Credit cards have been my best friends for 10 years now. I have an unbelieveable collection of rewards that I earned and I've never paid a penny in interest. It takes self control and good planning and they can really help you out.  

  4. because people like me who dont pay bills on time or are struggling get in over their head. because sometimes what you can afford when you buy it you cant afford thirty days from now, and because intrest rates are so high even paying double the minimum doesnt help because interest makes it worse.

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