
How come people find death an attraction of freedom?

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more and more people i know and have meet in my life find that death is the only way out of a problem why do they do this i know but give your opinion




  1. it's the opposite of's emotionless, thoughtless. & for those ppl who can't handle the bad with the good, they'd rather have no emotion or thought

  2. We are de-sensitised at too young age these days


  3. Life takes you to places you never knew existed. Some find death as the end of life. Some think of death to be the start of afterlife. All of these are philisophies.

    Coming to reality...

    Life poses a lot of problems... and one feels the urge to end his/her life. But thats not the solution to teh problem. There needs to be communication between people.

    Most solutions are unraveleld by peers. So speak up and you shall win,

  4. Because for many people it is the only way to make the pain stop. Feeling lost, alone and unloved makes life very painful. And people who try to make it better mostly just make it worse with fake emotions. Death is going into the ether. There isn't anything there. Nothing to feel, think, or look at. Nothing. That is a very appealing thing to those who have nothing but pain 24/7. That nothing is a freedom. Freedom from everything they don't have and the feeling of emptiness because of it.  

  5. Because we are in world where people have simply stopped trying to resolve problems.

    Rather than face consequences of ours and other's actions, we simply give up and look to either buy our way out, or escape via another route

  6. Cause they are selfish, un happy loosers

  7. because it's the easiest

  8. It's not the way out of a problem...because we are a Divine being and we are all one thing and everything in this universe is one thing so if we are the same as everything then we really don't go anywhere else when we essence we only exist to be what we were in the physical form which was our body and so I assume when we die, our being is just in another form it might be a spirit or just energy that lives on in all things...but in the physical form the only freedom is the freedom the life no longer has friction...meaning we don't physically see and feel the bad times here on earth...

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