
How come people hate the j-bros?

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Why do people dislike the jonas brothers and state their opinons about it openly? I love them and their musics great. If you don't like it then don't listen to it. I don't know why people don't like it. I think the people that don't like the j-bros are A old or B trying to be 2 cool or C honest mostly A B though.




  1. Ok the jonas brothers are just plan great in life!!!!!!

  2. Uhhh....

    1. they try wayyy to hard to be cool

    2. girls r obbsessed with them and how hot they are (little do their crushes know they are truly g*y)

    3. i sometimes mistake nick for a pubic hair chimpmunk

    4. they have meaningless lyrics

    5. they are terrible performers... (Ive seen them live... wait no i was dragged there to see them live)

    6. way to publicsed

    7. goody little disney kids trying to attract teen fans

    8. try to be funny

    9. plain annoying


    They are good singers and musicians, but overall they are another stupid little boy band woh years from now people will laugh at.

    And trust me, i have heard their music... only both of their cds 5 times a day. My sister is obsessed

    Hey, and i'll appreciate all the thumbs down i get from the prissy little fans of the jonas brothers

    BY THE WAY, if i hear one more person say...

    "oh my jonas" OR "peace love jonas" I am going to tear my hair out litterally

  3. A. We can state our opinions openly (its called Freedom of Speech)

    B. I hate them because they are overrated and are bad guitar players/singers and their lyrics are horrible.

    C. I hate them coz I'm being HONEST

    D. I wouldn't hate them too much if those crazy fans stop asking useless questions about them, such as YOU.

    E. Get a life.

  4. People don't like them because they are a 'formula' band manufactured by Disney group to generate money. This is what Disney does. They are owned by Disney. Their music is written to a specific Disney formula and their every move is choreographed by Disney. Even their press releases are engineered by Disney. If these performers had to make it on their own they would be lost without their corporate babysitters.

    Just look at what happened to Britney Spears when she decided to leave the Disney enclave. Total disaster.

  5. I personally think the jonas brothers are AMAZING.

    people who dont like them dont give them a chance and have probably only listened to like one of their songs-

    or their just jealous of course

  6. i hate them purely because people are clogging up the magazine section with pointless questions about them!!! everyday its like 'who here loves nick jonas, who has his cell phone number' put it in celebrities please!

  7. their jealous!!

  8. I agree! I love the Jonas Brothers <3

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