
How come people say this a lot about others...?

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People seem to call other people stupid...a lot.

Some examples I can think of are when you are driving with someone and they call other drivers on the road stupid, or idiots.

In a business someone will say, "why did this person do it this way, that's stupid!"

I'm sure you can think of other examples.

I can admit I've done some stupid things while driving, but I know people who think they do everything perfectly.

So why do people always think others are stupid, but never think that they are the ones who are wrong?




  1. pointing the finger is easier than admitting fault.

    it's easier to be judgemental than to be introspective.

    it's often hard to put yourself in someone else's shoes (or somehow we just overlook it & we judge).

    maybe it's also a form of venting. we let it out by saying they're stupid -- that way we don't hold it in 'til it becomes road rage, etc.

    sometimes when friends are "gossiping" about people & talking about a certain person's annoying little habits -- I think to myself and i wonder what people see as my annoying habits - sometimes I want to ask my friends this question, but i never do because i'm kinda scared of the answers or i'm scared that i will then hold a grudge against the friend who is brave and honest enought to tell me my faults ...

  2. It's a natural human instinct to believe that you are better that others.

  3. My guess : A lot of people think they are perfect but...they are also very impatient! People quickly forget that they also had to learn to drive before becoming proficient at it.

    Short memory and inflated Ego ...most probably.

    Hope this helps.

  4. Road Rage

    And also.. if someone knows nothing else about you other then you doing something 'stupid' in front of them then I don't think its unfair of them to assume that you're an idiot. Based on your unfortunate first impression that is. But its not like you get to know every single person in the whole world.. so, just let it go. C'est La Vive.

  5. Anyone going faster than you is a maniac. Anyone going slower than you is an idiot. A concept too many live by today, there is very little patience anymore.

  6. Name calling is immature.

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