
How come people tell me I'm pretty yet I always get rejected?

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I go to art school where a lot of the guys are g*y. Even though people tell me I'm pretty I always get rejected by guys I like, and am only hit on by guys who are 25+.

Should I get out more?




  1. You are pretty! I actually have the same problem, I know deep inside that I am pretty and have a lot to offer yet I've gotten rejected the past 2 times I put myself out there. I think it's because we're deep girls as in we're smart and we're not the typical bubbly preepy easy type of girl that most guys go for. We probably put off a strong energy that could be intimidating. I don't really have a solution because like I said I'm in the same boat, but remember whatever doesn't kill you can only make you stronger and who knows maybe we'll build up an immunity for rejection and then ask out any guy and we're bound to get one to say yes.

  2. If you're getting hit on, whats the problem? Seems like you just go after the guys who dont like you.

    Get a snazzy hairdo and you're all set

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