
How come people try to blind themselves from the way the world really is?

by Guest66973  |  earlier

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Have you ever notice that some people believe completely in censorship of music, only read "happy" books(no Stephen King for them), don't listen to music that has any actual meaning, and so on and so forth?




  1. like looking at the world through rose colored glasses... i think it's a defense mechanism... no melancholy(sp)

  2. Yes, I know people like that.  They choose to be ignorant and think they are smart!

  3. Because they know there's nothing they can do against real money

    and power not if they know whats good for them, so they do the best

    they can for  themselves and those who depend on them, like there

    families, it's called surving, and self preservation  . . .

    Simply put, they live in the real world . . .

  4. some people just can't handle it.  sometimes i don't like to watch the news cuz it depresses me, but i suppose you have to have some sadness to appreciate the good things.....reading 'happy' things would get boring after a while.

  5. because people are idiots.

  6. they are called morons

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