
How come politicians' families are off-limits to us, but our families are not off-limits to politicians?

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For example Governor Palin supports a Constitutional Amendment to have the federal government intrude into family matters. But her own family is off limits to critics.




  1. Excellent question.  They make decisions that are adverse to our lives and our privacy but their hypocrisy seeks to protect their own families.  It shows contempt.  

  2. Very good question.  The reason is they want to impose standards on everyone else they fail to live up to themselves eventhough they have money and privilege. It's privacy and rights for the privileged few and rules and oppression for everyone else.

    There is an overpowering element of hypocrisy in the whole affair. The Christian right seeks to impose fundamentalist precepts on the entire American population—by banning abortion, contraception, s*x education, the teaching of evolution, stem cell research, etc. Yet they blithely defend Governor Palin on the grounds that Bristol’s pregnancy (as well as Todd Palin’s drunk-driving charge and similar incidents) are proof that the Palins are just regular folks. As McCain speechwriter Mark Salter declared, “These things happen. This has probably happened to millions of American families.”

    It is certainly true that every American family has its issues and problems, immensely exacerbated by the deepening social and economic crisis of the profit system. And that is precisely why tolerance, sensitivity and social support are required, rather than the punitive, moralizing and dehumanizing strictures of those who claim to derive all of the governing principles of society from a literalist interpretation of the Bible.

  3. The same reason that poor people go to war and rich people go to harvard.

  4. her family is all i hear about when i turn on the t.v . off limits ? I don't think so  

  5. You make a good point.

    Less government is better government.

    Let people decide for themselves.

  6. Over-the-top arrogance, elitism, and hypocrisy.

    Big Brother will take care of us if we tell him EVERYTHING.

    However, if we QUESTION Big Brother, we are putting millions of lives in danger.

    Neat, isn't it?  Gotta love it.  Ya just GOTTA.

  7. /sarcasm

    Because conservatives know what's best for us, dear.  Now just shut up and do as you're told.  Don't bother your pretty little head - we'll tell you when to have a baby, who to marry, etc.

    /sarcasm off

  8. Good point. Republicans demonstrate an outrages hypocrisy and double-standards time after time after time

  9. Best question I've read in a long time! We never get protection from conservatives.

  10. Very good question... You should vote for Obama, he is only interested in interfering with  the "Black Family"..

  11. Just more hypocrisy.

    Some of you require a link for something that has been crammed down our throats for years. Amazing.

  12. A link perhaps to support this claim would have been nice?

  13. Yep it's definitely hypocrisy.

  14. Bingo - fight the hypocrisy!

  15. Great question

    Could you please link something with more info on this.

    You have gotten my attention.

    A link is being asked for regarding Palins view on this, not on something that has been argued for decades.

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