
How come psychics haven't been helpful finding Steve Fossett?

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Even if psychics had a hit rate of only 20%, 5-10 search teams could have been sent out to specific locations and it's likely that one of them would have found him real quick.

For those who don't know, Steve Fossett is an adventurer and pilot that recently went missing in his plane in the Nevada area. He set the record for the longest non-stop solo flight.




  1. psychics have to clear everyday thoughts from their minds to function at a much higher vibration which is very difficult as pressure and human mind is hard to clear to enable focus at this higher level. Evolution will see this ability get stronger.

  2. Hm...If I were psychic, I would be very hesitant to just call up and say "I know where he is." I'd be dismissed immediately as a lunatic and probably laughed at. I don't know if psychics are credible or not, but no one wants to be mocked.

  3. Now now now, be nice.  There is an order to these things.

    They're still busy not finding Amelia Earhart, Jimmy Hoffa, Chandra Levy's killer, Osama bin Laden, and Madeleine McCann.  They'll get around to not finding Steve Fossett soon enough.

  4. I have been doing tarot readings to do so. I was also give a number 42 in my dreams last night. It seems to be a latitude number that is my gut feeling. For Fallon NV the latitude is 39 degrees. My cards do point to him being alive still at this point.

  5. He's in Argentina with Judge Crater in a polyandrous relationship with Amelia Earhart.

  6. Psychics dont always just find things, it really takes "intuitiveness" with in their skills and I believe that there is a psychic for every mystery(ies) it's just that "they' don't realize it themselves, kind of hard to explain...I have often wondered my self why the "Ramsey" case was never solved as well as why John Walshes boy was never totally found...

    I do believe that, every thing happens for a reason and that when time comes due, all will be enlightened to the truth, I don't understand it, but, someone will come forward eventually when it is his time to be found...

    All the Very Best, Shad @)~>~

    D*mn, did this make any sense at all?

  7. psychis, smycics

    He is not lost. If he wanted to disappear, I think he could have the resources to do it right and since they find no traces, I believe he has decided to prank the world, then magically reappear in a month in the same plane and act like he hit a time warp or some similar BS just to get headlines.

    He has done everything else and the world is his playground so this sounds like something a guy like he would do for fun.

  8. They have been helpful.We know he'll be found by a body of water.

  9. The plane will be found in a few days without the pilot. The pilot has vanished and in a few years will somehow, from somewhere very unexpectedly reappear again. The plane itself will contain very weird looking items - but this fact won't be broadcasted in the media.

  10. I bet some could, who haven't been asked.

    And theres people missing every day why is this guy so special?

    everyone is psychic btw, most of us aren't very in tune with it.

  11. Psychic: I see him...he's near sand.

  12. Everyone can help find Steve Fossett by going here:


    The odds are rather unfavourable, but given that someone's life may be on the  line, it's perhaps worth it...


  13. They probably would have better luck with Dogs. I hear dogs have psychic abilities well beyond those of humans, that is why they use them in police work.

    oh yeah, and dogs can smell stuff, like ghosts who use telekinetic powers to levitate on psy-balls while searching for the alien known as bigfoot.

  14. maybe the real psychics don't want to tell.

    he might be talking to Elvis, if you know what i mean.

  15. I think its plain what's going on here. Fossett probably made a powerful enemy, who cast a spell on him which caused his plane to crash and is keeping psychics from being able to sense where he is. Psychics haven't come forward yet because they are waiting for the spell to fade so they can sense where he is.

  16. Well, people have different priorities in life, and, perhaps, finding Steve Fossett just doesn't come to the top of the list for most people in the world.  I'm not being callous here, just realistic.  Are you actively looking for him?

    Also, why haven't the skilled and experienced search teams found him yet?  If they're only successful 20% of the time, wouldn't a few teams be able to find him really quickly?

    Don't expect more from your neighborhood psychic than you would from other people in the world.  They may have some different skills than most people, but, like everybody in the world, sometimes there are things that they just can't do.

  17. The inability to locate Mr. Fossett has been called a mind blowing thing by Will Hasley,Teams are covering a vast amount of territory looking for Fossett.The tracking beacon signals in the rescue kit of the plane have not been located however the rescue effort has been continuing by the use of many planes and thermal imaging cameras.

    Psychics join Fossett search

       Maybe for the same reason 'experts' in the rescue field haven't,i think it is a relative thing

  18. is anyone really trying that hard ?

    If I could do that sort of thing,

    I would be using it to help the known living, and not the likely gone (so sad).

  19. I have heard it claimed that some psychics can find missing people - I am not sure I believe it.  

    Perhaps those who've tried and failed are not legitimate?  Perhaps the spirits they "speak" with are refusing or unable to help?

    It's unfortunate that Steve hasn't been found yet; hopefully he will be found soon, found alive and well.  I wonder if perhaps he was not as careful as he should've been during this flight?

  20. Wow. Just wow. I find the answer 2 above mine ("is anyone really trying that hard ?") to be just despicable. So, we shouldn't try hard to find and rescue people when there is a possibility they may be dead? We should just give up on people even if they may be alive? How utterly rotten.

    As for helping people who are alive, what about Fossett's friends? His family? All those who are grieving and worrying. They are alive, aren't they?


    Well, here is a good example of one reason why psychics aren't helping to find Fossett. Perhaps they are cold, uncaring and inhuman? Or, perhaps, they don't have any powers at all in the first place.

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