
How come queen Elizabeth is the queen of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa,???

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I just thought she was queen of england but i found this

it lists all the other countries??!?!?!




  1. All the countries listed used to be part of the British Empire, and are now the Commonwealth.

    She's not the Queen of England, that position was abolished hundreds of years ago. She's the Queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, meaning that she's the Queen of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

  2. Perhaps out of goodwill?

  3. Simply because she is the head of the Commonwealth countries. However she has no real power over those countries, its all symbolic.

    Whenver she visits those countries, e.g. Canada, then the Union Jack Flag is immdiately put up everywhere and the national anthem 'God save the Queen' is played/sung.

    Its quite strange but its just remnants of the British Empire. It might not be as it was before but it still has ever-lasting influences. E.g. English being an international language spoken by over a billion people. It's also the same reason why its fairly simple for immigrants of former British colonies to gain passports and citizensip in the UK (For example Asians.)

  4. These country's are the remnants of the British Empire - the biggest the world has ever seen. The Queens role is very ceremonial, even more so than in the UK. Its more of a optional representation of that we are allies, Each country has its own government etc.  

    For more fun, why not look up British territories, These places are ruled by the Queen of the UK rather than as The Queen in her own right e.g. Queen of Bermuda etc.

  5. Because they are ex-British colonies and the British Monarch remains Head of State in those countries until they decide to change that themselves.

    Up to now they have not done so....I suspect many of them will once the current monarch dies.

    In short, they don't want to appear to offend Queen Elisabeth so they do nothing at the moment but will when she dies and is followed by the next in line to the throne.....which will almost certainly be a King

  6. This is a well-known fact.The Queen is also head of state to many COMMONWEALTH countries.

    Here is a link that tells all:

    The  thread above talks about all of the Commonwealth countries.

    has many threads that explain the monarchy,the Queen's job and goes through her working day.

    The Queen is Head of State of the UK and 15 other Commonwealth realms.

    Her Majesty is 38th in direct line of descent from Egbert (c. 775-839), King of Wessex from 802 and of England 827 to 839.

    She is the fortieth monarch since William I (William the Conqueror), and also the great-great-granddaughter of Queen Victoria.


    describes her titles:"STYLE AND TITLES OF THE QUEEN

    The Queen has slightly different titles in each of her realms.

    The Queen's title in the UK is "Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith".

    By tradition, The Queen takes an abbreviated form of the Latin description when she signs formal and official documents and messages, using the signature 'Elizabeth R' (which stands for 'Regina' or Queen).

    The 1953 Royal Titles Act reflected the fact that The Queen is equally Queen of each of her Realms, acting on the advice of her Ministers in each realm.

    Legislation on the Royal title was to be enacted by each country separately, allowing The Queen to adopt a title suitable to the circumstances of the country concerned with a common element, symbolising the role of the Sovereign as a unifying factor in the Commonwealth.

    Each title therefore includes a reference to The Queen's other Realms and Territories, and also her title as Head of the Commonwealth.

    The words 'Defender of the Faith' are also included in the styles and titles used by The Queen in Canada and New Zealand.

    The Queen also has other titles by which she is known in different parts of Britain. In the Isle of Man, she is Lord of Man; in the Channel Islands, she is Duke of Normandy; and in the land of the Duchy of Lancaster, she is Duke of Lancaster."

  7. She is the Head of the British commonwealth and remains the monarch for most of the UK's (not England) former colonies.

    As the UK's colonies began to break away and her Empire came to an end, many decided to remain in the British Commonwealth, other decided to also keep the monrachy as head of state

    South Africa is a Republic and she IS NOT the Queen there

  8. Those places either were at one time or still are part of the British Colonies.

  9. Kelly; did you ever hear of the saying; "The sun never sets on the British Empire"?  Somewhere in the world...the sun was shining in a place connected to Great Britain. The empire was coloured in pink on world maps (and pink was the main colour!).

    Not all (or even many!) of the connections were good.  It has influenced life, wealth, world economy, wars, songs,  history.....absolutely everything....You must research further.  Good question to follow it up.  It you are British you will feel gutted, sick, proud, overwhelmed, amazed, patriotic, ashamed....all in one go.  You could start looking at British Foreign policy,  'Colonialism' and also 'Postcolonialism'.  Remember, it was not just us but we have to hold our heads up and acknowledge our part.

    It is really worth it!

  10. Is she queen of germany as well, as her grandfarther was german

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