
How come "liberals" on this forum are always talking about Fox News; do they actually watch that drivel?

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If you're one of those "liberals" who do watch it, WHY do you watch it? It seems that all it does is drive you even crazier. Does that make you FEEL good? (Actually, that might explain more than a few things. Hmm... :-))




  1. Someone is watching it, the ratings bury the other news channels, cable and national. And one of those people are me. Liberals drive me NUTS

  2. One thing is for sure: the more something gets under liberals skin the more truth there is to it.

  3.   Its funny to watch how the weak minded get brain washed.  Look at all the cute little words they put a spin on things like calling him the messiah, calling him a rock star, calling him muslim.  Its the same thing the n**i used during ww2.  Repeat the same words over and over and people will believe you.  The funniest thing any fox watcher could say is they are fair and balance.  You must be a idiot not to tell they are a republican station.

      Conservatives for Obama 08

  4. Because they are hypocrites?

  5. They are jealous of Fox's huge success. I think they miss the monopoly the liberal elite media once held in this country.

  6. They hate Fox news because they do not believe all of the junk they out out---Lies

  7. most of the liberals i know do not watch it at all.  everything they know about fox news, rush, etc comes from liberal blogs and websites.

  8. I watch it to see how crazy they are on there. It gives me some good laughs.

  9. I would only watch if if I was waiting for my boarding announcement at gate on a domestic flight...and it happened to be on one of the monitors and something got my attention.


    I would talk about merchandizing during the Middle Ages before I would bring up Fox News.

    But I AM liberal.

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