
How come regular pens work underwater?

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Some "experts" say regular pens cannot work underwater, but my tests show that they can. They work just fine. They write on paper and other underwater materials at 5 feet under just fine. I didn;t expeirence any problems. has anyone else done this before?




  1. That's going to depend entirely on the pen you use.  Five feet underwater is hardly a conclusive test...assuming that water pressure is what prevents the ink from flowing.

  2. The ink uses gravity to flow out. However, the water pressure does effect the ability of the pens ink to flow fast enough to come out in a clear, readable format. However, I have done this before, down to 18 feets in a swimming pool (I did it with about 30 other underwater expeirments) and found that is does write well for me at 18 feet. However, most divers only start to expeirence writing problems about 50 feet under or more. But for a regular person, a normal bic will work in any occasion unless you plan on going deep sea diving.  

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