
How come royals have so much money?

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where do they get it from?




  1. I'm going to break away from the trend and assume that not all royalty is British, since there is a whole world outside of the United Kingdom.

    I imagine that most royalty has money because they, at least in the past, had a great amount of control over the territory they ruled and were able to collect taxes and the like on that land. Also, I believe that some royal families had money first and became "royalty" second. The age old saying that money buys power could very well be true in that an important and wealthy family could possibly assume or seize the crown of a nation rather than an already royal family gaining wealth by being royal.

  2. Most royals are either owners or shareholders of Crown lands. Crown land is a designated area belonging to the Crown (government) and/or the monarchy. In the United Kingdom, the Crown Estate is a property portfolio associated with the monarchy.

    Formerly, the British monarch met all official expenses from hereditary revenues, including the profits of the Crown Estate and the Royal Mail. It was created in 1660, but during 1760 the new King, George III, agreed to surrender the hereditary revenues of the Crown in exchange for the Civil List, funded by taxation.

    The Civil List is the sum that covers most expenses associated with the Sovereign performing of his or her state duties, including those for staffing, state visits, public engagements, official entertainment, and upkeep of the Royal Households.

    In addition, most royals privately owns large amounts of property including lands, resources and estates that were never turned over to the government. For example, the Saudi royal family is the richest royal family in the world with an estimated fortune of £30 billion. An essential part of family wealth is the Kingdom in its entirety, which the Al Saud view as a totally owned family asset and these include:

    - co-mingling of personal & state funds from lucrative government positions

    - huge land allocations

    - direct allotments of crude oil to sell in the open market

    - segmental controls in the economy

    - special preferences for the award of major contracts

    - outright cash handouts

    - astronomical monthly allowances

  3. From the hard work of the commoners... or as they would think "the ewwww.... little people."

  4. Not ALL royals have money. Some have to get an education and work for it.  For example,Charles,Prince of Wales makes money from rents of all rental properties on Wales. That's homes AND businesses. Here's the downside. In Great Britain,royals pay almost double the tax rate of commoners. So not only does he have to pay this huge tax,but be able to have money for his different charities and money to live on AND he has to report all of this to Inland Revenue Service.

  5. The practice has changed, but it certainly helped- in the old days, any folks who died without a will, their inheritance went to the crown.

    Money, lands, property.

    After a while, that stuff adds up.

  6. You know the taxes that you pay... where do you think they go?

  7. Mainly inherited wealth - remember their ancestors invaded, robbed, terrorised, tortured, exploited, expropriated, conscripted and deluded yours and mine over a period of centuries.

    Also, crooked politicians pay them a fantastic sum of money to play silly rich games and distract the peasants of today from the fact that they are still being robbed, exploited and deluded.

  8. if you split the queens money between all her subjects they would only get about 73p each, it is said. I would rather have the 73p in my pocket than in hers.I wonder how much all the  hangers on would be worth.

  9. because their royal.

  10. ROYALS don't FLUSH it away on trivial things

  11. they are rich due to the land they own taxes but they are not as rich as people thing in fact their money is tied up in things they cant touch

  12. Hereditary inheritance of assets and liabilities. That is why some of the lesser nobles have to have tours through their property and sell off bits of their estate and posses ions, because the tax and upkeep of the property is higher than their income. I mean we wouldn't want to see Viscount Shand serving ale down at the Holly Tree Inn, would we?

  13. They can raise taxes and just have people pay them as tribute.

  14. they dont have so much money

  15. Royals are certainly not the richest people in the world, and not all of them get all their money from the tax payers.

    UK royal family cost the tax payers £38 million, which is peanuts considering how many of them they have, and how much work they do for the country.

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