
How come royalty can spend so much money?

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i mean, that's kind of taking advantage of it, isn't it? i was doing a history project, and the queens and kings of england are like STACKED with loads of c**p that definitely cost a fortune. where do they get this endless supply of money, and shouldn't it go towards helping their people?




  1. Their wallet must get too heavy!


  3. Which royal family are you talking about?Taxes are collected in "the Kings" name but (in Britian or Common wealth ) the King/Queen has no say as to how the money is spent. The Monarch does get a salary--much like the president of the USA and does spend it on clothes etc. much like the president of the USA  A lot of the stuff that the Queen uses actually belongs to the state --much like the president.The Queen actually cost the average British person about 2.00 a year to keep-she (or the monarchy  if you prefer) creates a great deal more money through tourism --If you look at how much the queen is worth and how much she spends on clothes (most of her jewels belong to the state) and compare to other rich people she spend *A LOT* less

  4. they collect taxes. with the people's money, they can buy anything. They can even print their own currency and coins.....its a big joke or something.

  5. The royal families would collect taxes and keep it all for themselves they did not care about the people, and when they needed more money they would up the taxes.

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