
How come russia & china are with Iran? Are Israel and USA just bullies?

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are they just feeding us lies again? is Iran really a threat?

i'm so lost because all they feed us is bullshit. where can i find REAL news about what's REALLY going on? i heard Iran is a messed up country and i would never want to live there, but what's REALLY going on? if they're such a bad country, why are Russia and China behind them? would that make Russia and China bad too? because China is such an advanced country that you would think they'd be with the U.S., but that's obviously not the case... so it just leads me to think that Israel and the USA are nothing but bullies seeing as to how they are not liked by many other countries!




  1. I am half persian and am more than willing to take that step in saying that the america is the huge arrogant jackass at that huge party that everyones having a fun time at until america shows up with his drunk stupidity. We take everything we have for granted in america, and then go into someone elses land and we tell them they need to live like us but yet they cant have power like us cause they arent us. No country likes being pushed around and obviously when Persia was a huge empire, they never destroyed someones culture, therefore leaving there good friends Russia and China having no problem with them at all.

  2. NO !!! The us is not a bully as you think I am a Ghanaian .I use to believe that too.But I have to change my mind when i got to know that China and  Russia supports this kinds of countries because they sells arms to them to bully their citizen.with all that is going on in Zimbabwe china is selling millions of arms to them and they are even blocking a United Nations Security council statement on them they with Russia.

  3. It is only power politics.

  4. Well, we have something called freedom and the Constitution, where as China, Russia, and Iran all have/had dictators who suppress freedom, and rights. You have to be really messed up in the head to say that America is a bad country, and even more so to go a step further and say Iran, Russia, and China are better then us. China isn't such an advanced country... I would dare to say that more than half of the people in China don't even have running water or electricity.

  5. The basic thing Americans never understood is that they are being systematically brainwashed into believing America is good and the rest of the world is evil, terrorists, or at least messed up and badly needing Americans to teach them so-called democracy, freedom, how to live and what to do. That's why you're so lost... you can't understand (and don't even try to understand) the rest of the world.

    So many thumbs down for me proves i'm right.

  6. Iranian young people are pro-American and wonderfully nice people.  The ones I've met here in the states have always been open to questions and discussions.

    They happen to have a c**p president... kinda like us.  I really understand trying to get rid of A-mad, but I don't think it warrants bombing the whole entire population and infrastructure.  We would be creating enemies... from people that are partial to us no less.  

    Russia doesn't like us right now due to the missile shield in Czech Republic (the deal to make one at least).  They find it a direct threat and have been telling America to back off for quite sometime.  

    China only likes us as a matter of convenience.  We buy their cheap goods... and they buy our debt.  China could cripple this country.. but it would take a little economic setback for them as well.  

    My feelings are that Israel should not be there plain and simple.  I am not a Zionist and feel that the stealing of one people's property for another is not correct this day in age.

    For news, I would go to

    Yes, it is al jazeera.. but if you want anothe perspective and also want more information about people around the world, it's a good place to start.


    People like Richard make me laugh.  They hate China, but I bet half the things in their house are made in China.  Why support a nation economically if you hate them so much?  I don't really think they care if you like them or not... what matters is they are getting your bucks.  

    We are mortgaging our future and trade deficit to buy c**p that won't last five years.

  7. Oil Oil Oil is why china and russia stand behind Iran

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