
How come sales papers for stores dont come to my house, when my next door neighbor gets them?

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How come sales papers for stores dont come to my house, when my next door neighbor gets them?




  1. Are these the ads that come addressed to resident? If so, someone may have taken your address off of the direct mailers list. You can call the post office to find out the name of the direct mailer (or ask your neighbor for their ad and it should have a contact) If you want their ads they should be more than happy to add your address. The same can be said for most direct mailers taking your name or address off of their list if you do not want the mailings. Most don't want to spend the time and money sending you something that you do not want.

    For those that get too many catalogs, a great site for getting rid of them is They will contact the individual companies for you. All you need to do is enter the catalogs that you do not want. Saving the planet one %$#@ catalog at a time.

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