
How come schools tend to neglect to tell the history of the Irish in America?

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With so many people in America who have an Irish background I'm just curious why schools tend to neglect to tell the history of the Irish in early America?




  1. Hey Brother! Hang out in Dayton Ohio fer' awhile.  

  2. I don't have a Irish backround, but German and Poland yes and they don't teach that either. But am learning about Irish history from a yahoo member here and its pretty amazing. Also no black history is taught either in schools. But we have white American history you may find it pretty cool if your interested.

    That Boston tea party was something else..........

    lol how come Misha and you look alike? lol....sorry

  3. The real question is why do the so called Irish americans cultivate the fake accent and treasure the idea of being Irish and not American?

    After all they are many generations removed from Ireland and are in fact Americans but prefer to try to be something they obviously are not!!

  4. I find that strange too. I'm Irish (not American) as a child my best friend moved to America and in school there he heard nothing of the history of the early Irish settlers in America.

    In school in Ireland we learn about it.

    We do it in primary school (elementary school).

    When we get to learning about the famine then you learn about the emigration afterwards and coffin ships and then the life the people had in America. How on arrival many people names where anglicised and the racism they faced and the social problems etc.

    Then the building railways part.

    There are even two childrens books (by Marita Conlon McKenna) that have to be read one about the famine "Under the Hawthorn Tree" and then sequel about one of the girls who goes on a coffin ship to America "The Wildflower Girl".

    It seems odd to me that they don't teach it.

    Maybe its because America has such a diverse population they don't have the time to teach it all.

  5. Irish history is what is now old history most school systems in america are moving to newer history it is a shame but that's what is going on

  6. Well maybe because this is America.

  7. America prefers teaching their own stories only no offense.

    You guys should atleast try and act intrested in other cultures it opens up your mind and keeps one busy and it might earn you a few more friends

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