Al Gore likes to say that mankind puts 70 million tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere every day. What he probably doesn't care to find out is that mother nature puts 24,000 times that amount of our main greenhouse gas -- water vapor -- into the atmosphere every day, then removes it in a balancing act that seems to come with how weather works - at least here on earth. It rains. Clouds become less dense and it stops raining. It warms up and water vapor becomes denser and forms clouds. Then a tipping point is arrived at and it starts to rain, on again and off again for billions of years. The earth atmosphere has battled volcanoes and continent wide fires. It has survived planetary die offs from asteroid and meteor strikes, and ice ages and tropical warm periods, for as long ago as we can track. But Al Gore says DOOM, then his followers say DOOM, like a banryard full of Chicken Littles.