
How come self-trained Al Gore is so much better than those exerts with degrees and research projects?

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Al Gore likes to say that mankind puts 70 million tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere every day. What he probably doesn't care to find out is that mother nature puts 24,000 times that amount of our main greenhouse gas -- water vapor -- into the atmosphere every day, then removes it in a balancing act that seems to come with how weather works - at least here on earth. It rains. Clouds become less dense and it stops raining. It warms up and water vapor becomes denser and forms clouds. Then a tipping point is arrived at and it starts to rain, on again and off again for billions of years. The earth atmosphere has battled volcanoes and continent wide fires. It has survived planetary die offs from asteroid and meteor strikes, and ice ages and tropical warm periods, for as long ago as we can track. But Al Gore says DOOM, then his followers say DOOM, like a banryard full of Chicken Littles.




  1. He's not.  But the scientists say the problem is man made CO2 too.

    Excess water vapor doesn't stay in the air long enough to initiate warming.  Excess CO2 does.  More here:

    It's not followers of Al Gore or Chicken Littles who say this.  It's:

    The National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Meteorological Association, etc.

    EVERY major scientific organization has issued an official statement that this is real, and mostly caused by us.

  2. Simple, he doesn't...

    He's caught onto the same dark cloud that has manipulated end-of-the-world Christians for decades...alarmist literature sells, and gets adherants that are afraid to look for better and more believable  interpretation of the data....

    good point, by the way...

  3. I am sure that the earth will "survive" anything we throw at it. The question is, will we?

  4. You are always an expert when you make it up as you go.

  5. Gore "self-trained" himself beginning in his college days, at Harvard, where he had an instructor who later went on to do exceptional work in the field.  He's been building on this body of knowledge for decades.

    He relies on the experts  -- yes, with scientific degrees! -- and the conclusions derived from research to make the claims he does.

    Gore's message isn't one of DOOM.  I find it to be one of hope, a call to action.  Am I a follower?  I certainly wouldn't put it that way.  My original training is in journalism, and I used that background in doing my own research, of which Gore was a minuscule part.

    So I'll toss your insult in the recycling pile for the next Yahoo skeptic to use, and suggest you go back and take a look at the science yourself with an open mind.  We share the planet, and in moving forward to tackle this situation, the more that understand the fundamentals involved, the more who see the array of solutions before us and how quickly they must be implemented -- the better we'll be able to accomplish change for ourselves and for future generations.

  6. Great question :)  The sky is falling!  The sky is falling!  Big bucks to be made by the likes of Al Gore from the "global warming crisis".

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