
How come sexual orientation is so relevant in america today?

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How come sexual orientation is so relevant in america today?




  1. I've noticed this, and I feel like people today exaggerate their sexuality, their need for s*x, and the relevance of sexual relationships.

    I think that everyone is so caught up with the romance of it all. It seems that many people have been taken in by the misconception that their s*x lives are THAT important. It's like a disease and I honestly think that it is.

    If every one were as concerned with saving lives and helping people in impoverished countries as they were with getting the right to marry...or stopping others from getting the right to marry, the world would seriously be a better place. :P

  2. some  people  just can't get enough !

    comercials  started  using  women  back  in the early  days as props to get mens attention to buy ..or buy more

    This has esculated to megga porportions.....they often use sexuall situations now, and more often.

    freedom of speach has ajointed to include that visual aide is conected to freedom of speach, and thus necked picture came to be issued in magazines, and  motion piture and web sites.

    The more you see the more you want.  It is  human nature to want s*x

  3. People can't seem to mind their own business. Look at Yahoo Answers! But basically, in a nation founded by Puritans, s*x has always been a hot issue in this country. It's usually easy for people to decide how they feel about what other people are doing... easy to condemn or condone, you know? Finally, we all just need to focus more on our own s*x lives, and less on other people's.

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