
How come since im a girl that plays halo 3...?

by  |  earlier

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it automatically means im fat... EVERY time i play a matchmaking game and i talk sum1 says "dude are you a girl" and im like yea who cares. and there all like ahh you must be sum fat greasy chick who has no life and plays halo 3 all day. and it bothers me cuz im not fat. actually i weigh like 108. or there like "ahh im getting hard"lol and they ALWAYS ask me how old i am and if im hot. its so annoying!!! like they want to hook up wiv me!! n im like DUDE go get a life!! find a REAL girl and not 1 over halo!! i think its PATHETIC ppl who date over halo! so to get bak 2 the question how come girls who play halo are automatically fat?




  1. Because whether or not we like to admit it, we, men, are dumb.

  2. Because some people can't grasp the concept that girls can play video games and still have a life.

  3. I play Halo 3 every night and I'm a girl.

    I get the same thing too. Honestly, just ignore it. You're NEVER going to get around people like this.

    I just laugh at it, I'm not fat at all. I'm a dancer actually and have a great body, but they just automatically assume. When I was younger I used to just give them my myspace and they would shut right up after that and try and add me as a friend after they found out what I looked like. Now I don't bother because I'm older and I don't care what these little boys have to say.

    As for them wanting to "hook up", it's because they're just stupid immature boys who have nothing better to do with their life. Just ignore them.

    There's a mute button and a choice to leave feedback for a reason. :)

  4. well 1st thing when ppl say r u a girl they want to make sure ur not a 10year old little kid..but when they say ur probly fat there just being a normal person cuz they asume anyone that is a girl and play a video game is fat well i know a couple girls that play video games and arent to bad and there not fat at all..but i dont know what dudes think when girls play i just think of them equal cuz i really dont care...but i hope ur xbox experance gets better and u dont meet scumbags on live even though they all are

  5. because usually the guy whos calling your fat and greasy is fat and greasy himself. Im a female who plays those type of games too and i get the same thing. well i never heard fat and greasy but  everyone would say omg  its a chick becuause i always kick their butts but yeah thats besides the point lol. But for the asking you if your hot and stuff i think they do that becuase they feel they have to ask every girl that. It makes the little boys feel like they're "one of the guys" sometimes while waiting in halo for the game to start it takes a while and somtimes people say stupid stuff just to say it, im guilty of that too so if it bothers you the xbox has a mute on it or you can do what i do and just laugh at the stupidity.

  6. Because guys on halo almost never see a lot of girls on halo because most girls (no offense to the girls that play halo) don't understand the game and if a guy sees one on halo he thinks they're either 10 or they are fat and have no life or he'll try to hook up, but just mute them and give them a player review.  

  7. Welcome and say hello to the average joe of life.

    Most guys will always perceive you to be fat until some type of information is given..... and like you said, after they are over the part of you not being fat, they instantly turn and figure you're something they want and they gotta have it. BUT first the age question just to make sure lol.

    Yeah really... it's just typical stuff.... I mean... I didn't act totally like that.. but I know it is easy to be attracted to a girl that plays games when you yourself loves to play.

    So anyway you put it... on halo.... a dating site.... behind a curtain..... If they can't see you, you're fat.

    Don't let them bother you though :) and don't get a fat head miss pretty. :)

    ~Good luck to you~

  8. Guys who sit around playing video games all day have a lot of nerve to call you anything. They are doing the same effing thing, sitting around with there head gear on is not the coolest look, yet they don't see them self as the dork. It has to be the girl. Girls ROCK at lots of video games. I have been known to slaughter a few morons that claim to have boy parts. Watch them leave the game all pissed because a girl opened a can-o-whoop a$$ on them. If they think most girls are fat with no life and that's why we play, well what do they think about them self? Maybe instead of playing they should scrub the zits off their butt, and their faces, wash and comb their dirty mop, De-stink their pits and their undies, and go play a sport outside, where they can actually claim some sort of greatness, other than highest kills and achievements that is.

  9. Because they're insecure, can't get girls and you're one to get/rage at, just pretend you're a guy or get a voice masker if it's bad.

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