
How come some can still use yahoo 360 and others cant.?

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How come some can still use yahoo 360 and others cant.?




  1. l add a button to my tool bar to get to 360, l also have it bookmarked and add to my favorites.

    l clean my cache one and awhile for the health of my computer.

    l have no real problems with 360 so l guess what l am doing is working for me.

    The web sites you visit can leave tracking cookies that can build up to a lot of cookies, And the files can be many and the computer may not be able to read your command.

    Plus a messy computer can have virus and hackers.This is another good reason l clean my cahe.

    l think that is working for me. It will help the health of your computer and may help you to get to your page.

    But Yahoo has bugs on 360,and they are not fixing the bugs,because all their resources are going into getting the new social network ready.

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