
How come some dreams you can remember and others you can't?

by  |  earlier

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Why is it that some dreams when you wake up you know exactly what you dream about then other times you wake up and are like what the h**l did i dream about?




  1. All of us have a number of dreams every night, whether we remember them or not. Many people don't remember their dreams only because they've never been taught how, or more accurately, we've forgotten how. (Ever notice how real and common dreams are to children?)

    By simply making the effort to remember dreams, you'll be amazed at how easily the skill comes back. The process used in YourGuidingDreams also provides tips and ideas along the way.

  2. idk bt i wanna noe

  3. It has to do with a lot of things. Some dreams are just boring, you usually only remember the ones that are out of the ordinary right? it also has to do with sleep patterns. I find that if I want to remember a dream a nap is a good time because your mind never really goes to sleep fully, there is also the chance that things are going on around you that you hear or see in your dream. I find that lucid dreaming is most easily attainable when you nap because of these outside factors. I think that when you are interrupted from a dream, you are more likely to remember it. I know that I have had some where I will remember the entire thing and tell myself to write it down in the dream and then I'll forget what I was thinking about and I won't really dream much more for the remainder of my sleeping period. When I wake up I'll remember that I was supposed to write something, but there would be nothing else. I find that sometimes talking to people about it and working your way through it will help recall your memory and the dream. If you want to try to remember more, try that whole dream journal thing, but remember to write anything that you can remember down. this will help you remember in the long run.

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