
How come some monkeys became human, while others remained monkeys?

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How come some monkeys became human, while others remained monkeys?




  1. Apparently even some of the ones that became "human" are still "monkeys".

  2. The ones which bcame human were not Republican monkeys.

    It was determined that the Republican monkeys already had enough intelligence to practice their from of the misunderstanding of the concept of "public service"!

    The non-Republican monkeys continued to evolve for several biblical days.

  3. Monkeys did not become human.  Monkeys and humans share a distant ancestor.

  4. What makes you think we came from monkeys? Are you related to Charles by any chance? Because frankly Mr. Darwin didn't get the whole thing right you know.

  5. I do not believe humans are related to apes or monkeys at all.

    However, that is MY opinion. How about this:

    The answer is simple. If you believe in creationism, humans are not related to monkeys or apes. They are entirely separate species.

    If you are an evolutionist, your daddy and mommy were related to monkeys or apes, so you are too. In fact, some people look and act like monkeys and others look and act like apes.  How about that.

    The RIGHT answer is that it is far more likely that monkeys and apes DEVOLVED from humanity because of all the absolutely blatant stupidity humans conduct happily and willingly every day, with not a thought to the future, not a thought about the past or  history, not a thought about using the intelligence they have.  Oops...let's correct that, the intelligence they THINK they have.

  6. Maybe you should go back to school...

    We didn't evolve from monkeys. We both shared a common ancestor

  7. Have you ever taken an anthropology class?  Humans did not evolve from monkeys.  We share a common, distant ancestor.

  8. Because God made them that way.

  9. There is a little understood concept in Biology that almost nobody knows about.  Animals are divided up into species.  It is impossible for two animals of different species to breed and have offspring by most definitions.  How is it even conceivable that more than one population or species of monkeys alive, not to mention all species of monkeys, could evolve into men.   All animals have unique sets of selection pressures that drove their evolution.

  10. Oh you poor thing. Forgot to evolve?

  11. Monkeys did not evolve into humans.  Humans and monkey evolved from a common ancestor.  Plain and simple.

  12. we didn't come from the monkeys we see today.    

    but to answer your question ..   the species who moved to the parts of the world with tall grass land had to learn to stand up staight and walk..  so they could see their enemy..  

    it goes on from there

  13. Many people have asked this question:

    First of all, no monkey evolved into hominins, instead apes did. It may seem like nitpicking, but it's actually very important.

    Humans are not the ultimate life form on the planet, even if they have been one of the most successful at adapting to its environment. While many apes are now struggling in their environments (partly due to human interactions), monkeys are thriving in their own environments and dominating their niches.

    The ancestors of all these species have evolved and become more suited to their current environments.

  14. I give up. Some people, maybe you, are just un-educable.

  15. monkeys and humans are seperate species. Evolution is completly wrong. Plain and simple.

  16. Migration  patterns. The Primates that migrated to other areas of the globe were forced to use new ways to survive

    For these Primates had to learn new tools and thus develop

    their skills, ingenuiety and brains. There blood-line eventually developed specific-oriented skills.i.e. use of hands,in making tools.

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