
How come some parents...?

by  |  earlier

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or people who are supposed to be parents, leave their family seemingly without any guilt? how can a father leave his family for whatever reason and not provide any financial support whatsoever? even if i was married with kids and my wife cheated on me, i would still give her money so that our children were taken care of.




  1. I agree with you. Nevertheless, men, or should I say boys, don't have the same mind frame as you. I said "boys" because if they were "men", they would step up to the plate and take care of their responsibility. They are so quick to shoot the s***n, but up and leave when they know their child or children needs him.

  2. Just a shot in the dark.. but is it possible that these men never wanted a family in the first place?

  3. Because some people are wankers who only care about themselves.

  4. We dig a big hole for ourselves when we assume to know what is in someone's heart or mind.  We can't know that there is no 'guilt' involved....but guilt won't make them act any differently - so really - a useless emotion.

    As for why the deadbeat dads and moms....I don't know.  I would suspect they have different morals and values, or as Mike said - they may not have had any interest in becoming a parent.  It does all boil down to a woman's decision, in the end - and its hard to fault a guy who made his intentions clear in the beginning, and then is held to honour a commitment he never made!

  5. because some people don't think like (us) they have a different set of cards and different things stuck in there mind!

    is it wrong!  in my eyes yes!  but is it wrong to them even if others tell them it is? do they not care!

    my yes but maybe not!

    we will never understand fully someone else mind and thought process.. so just because we personally don't agree dont make it wrong!  

    as odd as that sounds!  but majority will dissagree with me!  and I'm okay with that!  i grew up with out my dad!  i met him when i was 16 - He has been there for me ever since... He was lazy and had his life to working about (no not right in my eyes) but now that i see him and he is in my life i can see how soemthing out of sight can be out of mind!  more so when you have your own craziness going on!

    could he of gave me money Yes but would i be the same human today if he did!

    my guess is not!

  6. It would be hard.  If a husband cheated and had custody of children after divorce, it would mess with you, but it'd have to be done for the kids sake, to help support them, as they are the innocent party in all of this.(to turn this around)

    Though, I cannot understand why anyone would walk out of a marraige for no reason.

    What if the mother had never wanted children and just left?  Should she pay support?  Why can men get out of this?  Or why should they, particularly seeing so many people are against a woman's right to an abortion.(have confused myself now, so will stop blabbing)

  7. I mostly agree. Abandoning children can only cause harm....

    But regarding the last part: I wouldn't pay, but try to get the children equally.

  8. Its selfishness, If a couple arent getting along and there is alot of fighting and disagreements, I agree you should seperate it may be best for the kids. However, he/she should pay child support and give emotional and physical support also. Its sad for the kids so when a person does leave they should give as much time to the kids as possible to let them know that although their parents arent together anymore they will always love them and be there for them. I think it is very unhealthy also to stay in a relationship for the kids especially if there is alot of arguing and fighting but u should most definatley help the other person out financially and emotionally, remember you once loved this person and im sure they still do but not as in the beginning. So my answer basically is pure selfishness, they're not thinking about anyone but themselves.

  9. That's just how some people are. There are all kinds of people in this world, and some of those people happen to be those that don't care about their kids.

  10. I find it very hard to understand why fathers or mothers would leave their kids. I guess some people aren't right in their head, they are so selfish or there's something lacking that thjey don't feel any or enough feeling.

    EDIT: Mike, I don't want anymore rabbits, but if my rabbits had a baby I wouldn't get rid of it. Ok I would have been stupid to let them mate, but that's my problem.

  11. I fully agree with the 1st answer, I would never pay her money in that situation as well, but put money in the bank for the kids as a trust fund, or pay for things they  need myself, never give that cheating wh**e sh*t!

  12. What it is called is"  Lack of Responsiblity or Committment""  also" Self Centered"   i.e.  " I worked all week and now all my money is gone""" well boo hoo  You are a parent and this is your bed ,,,,lay in it.... Being a PARENT is a life sentence that I took on gladly and with PRIDE... and those who don't ....Should not have s*x..  Should be a hermit....

  13. so people are just like that and it is usally a time when there family needs them the most

  14. well my daughters father has never seen her and i get no child support and i have tried everything he just doesnt care he has other kids also and has done the same thing ive raised her compltly on my own and she has alot of problems and now im having health problems so it gets harder but thats how it is i deal with it and move on i think she is better for it he was a loser in many ways so now she has learned the truth about men early in life better now then later

  15. The whole system of family break up is screwed.

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