
How come some women have s*x with someone they do not love, and why they do that?

by  |  earlier

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i want to ask why a woman wants to sleep with someon, may be for the first time, or just for changing mood..




  1. Simple, some women like s*x more than others, and are not particular how and where they get it. But it has to be said, the same mantra applies to men.

  2. I like men and I like s* doesn't have to be about love.

  3. s*x is a way to ENJOY! they do it either for money, relaxation or for their own satisfaction.

  4. why dont you ask kayla charlwood

  5. might be the phisical need of her at that time. s money and a lot of other factors like blackmail, harrassment for other reasons

  6. they just want s*x, some may be addicted.

    some don't want commitment.

    some like to try out different things with different people.

    people don't have s*x only because they love each other.

    it's a hobby what most people just generally like to do.

    it's pleasurable.

  7. Casual s*x can be fun as long as both people understand that it is casual.  

  8. They are only looking for comfort and satisfaction.  

  9. same reason some guys do the same thing

  10. maybe be cuz they like it or they can do it for money unless if there a prostitute on the side walk selling money for s*x

    or they like and and have fun time together, like in high school people have s*x that they dont even know

  11. Why not ask of the guy the same thing? The women may ask why do man flirt? Desire sometimes rule the flesh. Why do married men look for mistresses? Why do single women prefer married men? Why sometimes the wife have a fling with some body's hubby, or a toy boy somewhere? Your question is subjective. I'm not siding any genre but like I said earlier desire stand to conquer the body at times even when she may regret it after wards. One particular moment in a flash could make it happen without real thought put into it. When the momentum is right people do it even at dark public parks, stop by the road side for a quickie. Some even do it standing up behind a pub. And, mind you, it happens in bushes by fairly intellectual personalities too. Of course, to answer your question bluntly, perhaps the woman could be a s*x maniac, or a s**t. Same goes to the guy. Sometimes women let their weaknesses to rule their minds to satisfy the desire as and when they choose, or even at unexpected moments. So do men.

    Sometimes, a particular moment is simply irresistible. Like when someone is to enjoy a good cup of coffee, or to l**k the explicit taste of vanilla ice cream right at that specific point of time, the sigh of savoring the taste of a pizza - all in a moment of need that nothing could stop you from having something so delicious into your mouth once it's within reach. s*x could be in quite a similar affair, too, you know.

    Some women respond to their egoistic feeling of being attractive with a fantasy of being desirable. So, they tend to deliberately look for kicks to satisfy their needs by luring a guy to bed with her, or accept an invitation - whether from a married man, stranger or a lovable character from the tavern. Sometimes, the horny thing come by accident and when chemistry interacts with each other, in one instance, the body language takes control...and oops there they go for a touch-down!  But, mind you, fella, although you may say as what you said, there is a level of quality in the guy too that plays a huge role in making her feel aroused or attracted to. Not merely some Tom, d**k and Harry. The woman may give in looking cheaply, but they are not not an easy catch as you may think.

    Sometimes, the woman may have some kind of dissatisfaction with her lover, and to get at him, she may resort to having a one night stand with a stranger. No love, no romance is required as she doesn't want a relationship which will add more interference in her already troubled life maybe. It's better without strings attached. As much as you may feel q***r about why certain woman react as you questioned, men do as many crazy things too. By all virtues in your question, now, did you have s*x before marriage? There you go, it's neither a moral thing either, don't you think, if the books are to be used to measure perfectness.

    Accept people as the are. Do not judge them. Even a s**t could be a more kinder person than those who go to worship regularly. Perhaps, a prostitute could come to some body's aid far more meaningful than the more so-called holy ones. Example, the good Samaritan. If your woman is the one in subject, then by all means, look for someone that could come to par to your preferred standards.

  12. Everyone has a right to earn their livelihood

  13. It feels good!!!

  14. i guess the same reason men do it.

  15. don't man do it 2?????????/

  16. money or to have a baby  

  17. Because there $!uts out to take over the world.. They also fail... Miserably!

  18. Pure satisfaction. If you don't get the right guy, you may not be satisfied afterwards. That's why we need more.

  19. Sometimes we just want a human touch without worrying about a relationship.

  20. Us men do it too, it's called having fun, one night stands, s*x is s*x, it isn't just about love.

  21. It's a cheap thing which is done by a person with no self-respect. It's become politically incorrect to say your opinion these days, but I won't say anything unless I live by it - and I do live by it.

  22. Some people can just regard it as a way of enjoying pleasure, without the emotional attachment .... but not everyone. I too could not enjoy s*x in this manner, I don't want anyone but the one I love ....

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