
How come spring water is underground for thousands of years but when you buy a bottle it has a sell by date?

by Guest55596  |  earlier

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How come spring water is underground for thousands of years but when you buy a bottle it has a sell by date?




  1. Limits the liability of the company selling it....

    Good Luck


  2. Because underground it is fresh,it flows around unlike being shut into a plastic bottle,and in a bottle it starts to taste really stale/plastic tasting after the sell by date.

    (What I mean by stale,is that when you drink it,it makes your throat taste dry and funny.Especially since it's mixed with your saliva.)

  3. In its natural state, water cannot go bad or lose its properties.

    When it's collected, processed, and bottled, there will come a time when it will be no better for you than drinking tap.

  4. Because underground it isn't shut into a plastic container.  The sell-by date is the date after which your water starts to taste like the bottle.

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