
How come supporters of Obama are not able to see that he is a socialist?

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and if thats what they like then why don't they just go to Europe where opportunities are limited because socalism prevails? The reason why USA was able to become the most powerful nation was because of captialism and endless opportunities to move from your social come people dont realize that?




  1. You think he's a Socialist...? lmao you should have a look at our Gordon Brown for a real Socialist a*****e lol..

  2. Blinded by hope.  Fooled by change. Drowning in ignorance.

  3. their brainwashed.Both candidates are puppets.

  4. Looks like ALL of them. McCain is a socialist, too, hiding behind "Conservative" BS.

    Neocons are nothing but socialists. Look how government is expanding and spending is rampant.

  5. They are taught this in schools and collages.

    They do not get both sides in the schools here. They are told one side only and it is the liberal social side. So they know no better.

    So we can all thank the dems for the schools, they have been running them for 50 years.

  6. Obama is definitively not a socialist. Dont get me wrong, i feel that some of his idea's are in line with some socialist thinkers...particularly in regards to health care...but really, even that isnt that close to socialist views. I feel that Obama is very liberal, and very much a democrat and a Capitalist.

    Oh and i would like to point out that the situation in Europe is a lot more strong and sustainable than that of the one here in the united states. And though their socialist programs limit the speed to which their economy can grow, it also means that many more of their citizens are cared for  and live  better more stable lives than those of Americans.  I personally think that this country could take some important lessons for socialists...because i feel that both socialism and capitalism are both inherently flawed...and that the only way to move forward is to realize that we need to take the positives from both economic institutions and that together they could be the the key to finally balancing out the interests invested with vast economic growth  and the cooperate industry with those of the average American, working paycheck to paycheck...perhaps making their lives slightly easier and secure for their children and grandchildren.

    Now don't call me a socialist...because im not...and your being stubborn if you think i am. I am just an American tired of labeling either capitalism or socialism as bad, and feel that the only way forward is together...i don't think that this is unreasonable to hope for...and that in the end..i think it will happen.

  7. They don't know anything about the history of the world, and they don't tune in to what's really going on out there. And they're too willing to let a liberal promise them everything under the sun because in that world, you get something for nothing, and it usually comes from someone who goes out and works for a living.

    Its such a vicous circle, this world in which we live.

  8. Hmmm.  Probably because he's NOT a socialist.  Don't be fooled.  Its just another Hater fake issue!

    Democrats 2008

  9. My answer to your first question is, they do see it and like it.

    Your second question to para phase, y don't they go to Europe then? To that, you need to ask them but, i would speculate they like it here but, they want to "Change" to there way. (ironic as it may be that they may be working to "change" what it is they like about here.)

    How come people don't realize [capitalism > comm.] that?

    Democracy is the best form of government except for all other forms of government. I would say this holds true for economics.

    We need start asking our self's the right question instead of giving the wrong answers.

    Does the majorty of our peers want to head down Obama's path of socialism?

    If yes then, the expriment that was once America is over and freedom is dead. People would rather think we are all the same with same talents, ablitys, wants, needs and desierse. Our fourth fathers that risked and gave every think so people could be free to make there own choices, people would have that be in vain as a few hundred years later would give it up for epity "Hope for Change". People would rather be told what to do then work for what they want.

    If no then, we need to stop asking whats wroung with USA and start asking what do we like about this place of ours and how do improve on the things we do well. There is such thing as perficit so, we need to leave our would be weakness where they may be and look to were we are strong and build on there. I feel our founding fathers open an opptuinty to be our selfs. Offten this is lable as freedom. People have their own want need and desirers.

    Fundalmentaly there well always be a class of two things in politcs [NO, NOT GOOD AND EVIL]. Those that would see the world with their heart and those that will see it their minds. Those that see with their heart are easly lead and will follow it blind and those that use brain power, unfornchenly then the minds made up it wont lison. Who are u?

    Sorry for the spelling its later and I need to sleep.

  10. Ok, i really think you should go and read what socialism actually is. Obama is just a plain politician saying whatever it takes to get into office.

  11. Because most supporters of Obama are probably closet communists.  I am really frightened to think what is going to become of our freedom and opportunities if Obama is elected.

  12. cause they are easy to manipulate and brainwash

  13. They seem to think this is some American Idol contest and when Obama gets elected he will give everyone what they want.

    And when he bombs, I'm sure they will have a zillion excuses like it will be all whitey's fault.

    He's a bum and people are too stupid listening to sound bites and fantasizing about some half-***-ed reconciliation with from over 150 years ago to make any sense about his bankrupt policy ideas.

    Change.....that's all you'll have (unless you are a minority or an illegal or live in Africa)

  14. You don't know what a socialist is, do you?

  15. Because they are fully in agreement with Socialist/Marxist systems and philosophy.

    If they aren't, then they are too stupid to see all the evidence in front of their faces.

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