
How come teachers are rude?

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I have been to alot of schools, and all of them, the teachers are so rude. DOnt get me wrong i have had some nice teachers, but they only come around so often. It has been said that i have ADD or a learning disabilty, i have talked to a psychiatrist, and i have been told i have one of them. In school i cant pay attention, and i get really depressed and i have a hard time in school. My guridan has told the school numurous times that i need special help, but they just ignore her, and the teachers yell and send me to deans office and punnish me for not doing my work, cause i get depressed and just stop working, all though i try my best. I have been yelled at and made fun of by my teachers, BY MY TEACHERS! Why? i just cant understand why i cant just get help. Is it beacuse of the school system? Iam not sure. any one got any answers for me, cause i am getting very angry with my school.




  1. Probably because they're teachers. They want students who show good work and get work done, but when there's a kink they get angry even if there's a good reason as in your case. I can feel your pain trust me I have problems like you too.

  2. they want to show everybody whos the boss and whos in charge. i suggest change schools. i would

  3. ok you know you have a problem so why dontyou help yourself dont mean to be  d**k but dont count on other peoples help do it you gotta see teachers have a lot of student. you may have 8 teachers but they have 80 students you are not speacil to them

  4. Timmy, that does sound frustrating.  You mentioned that not all teachers are rude.  Are there any teachers that you feel are nice in your school building from previous classes or your current class?  I bet if you had time after school to ask one of them if they could talk a little bit with you I am sure they would take the time.  Tell them exactly what you wrote here and maybe they can get you in the right direction for help.  It might not be the "special needs" class you'll get, but emotional support helps also.  Don't give up, because I see you want to improve.  It's hard to get past the label that even teachers can put on students.  When you get mad just step back and take a deep breathe.  Do your best to prove them wrong!!!  Hope any of this helps and good luck.

  5. schools systems r dumb . The teachers dont under stand what we go thur .  The teachers in arent LD or ADD And ADHD . They will never understand what its like . we need to take it into our hands and show them that were not dumb . i hope i am giving u some incourgement .

  6. That is really stupid. They shouldn't do that... I would get your condition or whatever it is diagnosed and then when you register for a school i think there is a place for medical information and you can put it under that, then they let your teachers know about it and they shouldn't treat you that way.

  7. IF you have a diagnosis of a learning disability then your guardian NEEDS to contact the school psychologist and make an appointment.  At the appointment the guardian should take in the diagnosis and request for an IEP meeting.

  8. Well I guess that because ppl who are older went through a tough time in school so now they want to have there turn at being to their students what their teachers were to them. Or maybe because they just want to show you who's boss.

  9. Unfortunately, this question is one that hits close to home.  My son was diagnosed with a form of autism called aspergers at the age of 12.  He has behaviors that I would call survival behaviors but the problem is what works in elementary school -doesn't in middle school and high school.  Even after the school recognized his autism and has an IEP< it really amounts to nothing; at least in regards to our school.  I really applaud you that you do not appreciate being treated rudely.  I think my son gets the same treatment at times and I told him to report it to me immediately.  I don't think he does though.  Just keep this in mind..if you are trying to do well; continue and let the negativity evaporate ..keep your focus on your goals. The Wake -up call I gave my son was the fact there are rude students and even RUDER just have to focus on the teachers that are supportive and I hope you can find at least one.  We have a resource room with the most sorry _ssed excuse of a human being and I refuse to let my son be subjected to this monster.  I let him know to his face and I was civil but quit blunt.  Hang in are not alone and sometimes just knowing that can get you through tough times. I used to be a para support sure wish I could help you.  Maybe a tutor would help.

  10. im in middle school and when i was in 7th grade, last year, a techer was being rude to me  so i cussed out, then a few days later i did it again!

  11. Teachers and public education has never been about teaching children.

    They are part of a system where to goal in control and warehouse child.

    Most teacher don't know how to students nowadays and instead of getting the training they need, they are instead rude and unprofessional

  12. you could have your guardian contact your pediatrician and have them put in a request to the school to evaluate you. Your guardian needs to be agressive with the school- the school has limited resources and pretty much only does what it's forced to do- it's not going to just offer you services. Have your guardian keep a log of anything she asks the school for, so if you end up having to get a lawyer, there are clear dates (have her get names of anyone she speaks with too).

    I doubt the school will ignore your pediatrician if you can have him/her call- and you will get an evaluation. After that, if they find that you do have any learning disabilities, they will decide what services you'll need. Once they have it in an IEP (individualized ed plan) they have to, by law, follow that.

    As for the teachers making fun etc., all I can say that is some people shouldnt be teaching. Teachers are people, and some people just aren't nice.

    Undiagnosed special needs are the cause of alot of teen anger- don't let it consume you. Keep forging forward with your fight for an evaluation.

    Another thing you can do is meet with your school counselor. Confide in him/her everything you said on here. They're there to help.

  13. i have a learning disabilty too.i know how you feel when teachers are rude

  14. Yes it is your SCHOOL.

    What do your parents say about all this?

    Schools do not have to help a child with ANY problems UNLESS teh child is in special ed or have 504 plan.

    Teachers are told by their administrators to NOT let parents know if a child is having problems in school, because schools do NOT want to help children with learning problems.

    Instead, the administrators tell the teachers to say the child is lazy, not trying,   don't care, etc  to get the focus off of the TRUE problems, which is the child has learning problems.

    As you can see all I have said has already been proven by your statement -  

    My guridan has told the school numurous times that i need special help, but they just ignore her,

    In order to get help, your parents are going to have to do this. I know that you say they have 'told' the school you need help. BUT, the way it works is by following  the federal special ed laws called IDEA. They HAVE to ask for the help IN WRITING so there will be proof they asked for the help. The reason the school is ignoring your guardian is because there is no proof she even asked for help.

    THe first step is for guardian  to write a letter to the district sped director  requesting a full educational eval to see if you qualify for sped services.

    If your guardian needs any help with this please tell her to email me at

    and I'll be glad to help her.

  15. Unfortunately many teachers do not understand the complexities of ADD/ADHD, Dyslexia, Learning Disabilities etc, and sadly they also lack the ability to support a student.

    Thankfully they are now being taught how to recognize and support students with the above problems.

    My daughter who has ADHD, ODD and Dyslexia had many problems with teachers not understanding her problems or how to help her. I purposely did not tell them of her ADHD and ODD, but informed them of the Dyslexia, often theaching the teachers about Dyslexia, and how to support her and other students.

    When parent teacher interviews came around I would inform them of the ADHD, most were taken back, but not overly surprised and understood why I had not informed them earlier. Thankfully my daughter was no disruptive to the class, but very easily distracted, and chatted (non stop) with anyone who would talk to her, and she'd fidget all the time.

    I hope you can prove your teachers you can learn, if given the correct support. Talk to the school councilor to see if the can offer some help and support.

  16. You are obviously literate in computer use.  

    Thus, I doubt you ;have ADD.

    Why not try reading an hour a night.  That way, you will improve in your reading comprehension, which possibly may be weaker than it could be.

    No, if you talked to a shrink and got an evaluation that showed you needed accommodations, I doubt you would be yelled at for that.  

    Are you not doing your homework for some reason?  

    Wait a minute?  Send you to the DEANs office? Are you in college?  Because there is no DEAN's office in high school.

  17. Thats Probably cuz they hate their jobz and they dont get paid enough, and gotta each kids

    and cuz they couldnt find a better job =P

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