
How come teachers seem to like sporty kids better?

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How come teachers seem to like sporty kids better?




  1. All of my "sporty" kids would rather be outside at recess and not in the classroom.

  2. funding for schools and more pay especially if their a coach also

  3. What!!! I don't even know if my kids are sporty or not. I don't think that's true.

  4. Usually sporty kids are more confident and, thus, talk to the teacher more.  You automatically talk to those you know more.  And, just like a previous answer said,  kids involved in school sports are motivated, well-behaved children, for the most part!  

    ** I do disagree with an earlier answerer.  Coaches in my state only make more than $500 for the SEASON if they reach regional playoffs.  That's what a $1 per hour??   Yeah, for the paycheck....  :)

  5. because us sporty kids are like cool, fit,and awesome!

  6. I've never heard that before- I'm a teacher and I definetly don't feel that way.

  7. "Sporty" kids or jocks as we called them are generally brown nosers and get decent grades.  They have to get decent grades to stay in sports, so teachers think they are better more pleasant students.

  8. what makes you think that? In preschool?  Since this is in the preschool category, I will assume you mean in preschool.  I can't say that's true in our school.  We don't even know yet who the sporty kids will be!!  We only play cooperative games and nothing competitive.

  9. I don't think it is a matter of teachers liking "sporty" kids better. Perhaps you are interpreting their behavior toward YOU as being so, because you aren't sporty yourself? I do think that teachers would prefer that ALL children at least TRY and participate in some type of sport.  It helps with staying healthy and fit, and it gives children something far healthier to do than playing video games or playing on the internet all the time, as well as teaching competitiveness skills they will need in their adult lives. As far as preschool goes, the only "sporty" things they do is run, jump, play on swings, monkey bars, etc.!! No actual "SPORTS" involved in preschool!  However, in MY opinion, if you are feeling that way, perhaps you could encourage the children (or yourself-whatever the case may be!) to become more involved in sports, and see how much fun sports can be!!!   :)

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