
How come the American's haven't 'sorted out' Mugabe like they did Sadam?

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Ok, first off, when i say 'American's' I actually mean their goverment and military not just regular people.

I just wanted to know how come the plight of freedom in the middle east was more worthy of help/rescue/whatever. But Africa can basically go to h**l?

C'mon, I mean they say it was for the freedom of the Iraqis and all that. What about the Zimbabweans? They are suffering just as much maybe even more... So whats the deal?

Why did America care so much about the Iraqi women and children, yet have not regard for the ones in Zimbabwe?




  1. the compelling factor here is that Iraq invaded Kuwait back in 1990, which is an ally of the US govt.

    If Mugabe invaded a country that was allied with the US, we'd get involved

  2. 1) It is outside our "sphere of influence" (i.e. its the UK and South Africa's problem); 2) We are already over-extended, militarily and cannot afford to wage another guerrilla war (like we almost did in Sudan); 3) The only resources they have that we want is Chrome and Ivory (Chrome we get cheaply from Russia, Ivory can't be traded); 4) If we break it, we bought it (and don't want another very poor country to support); 5) It is no threat to anyone but itself, and; 6) The death toll is about 100 so invading would cause many more deaths than it prevents.

  3. Because Mugabe never attempted an assassination plot on Dubya's dad.

  4. Because it was worth to start a war with Iraq so certain people from USA benefit. They don't care as much as you think about the women and children, what makes you think USA should sort out anything, they can't even sort out their own problems, what right do they have to attack any country, they should just mind their own business sometimes. They are selfish and serve no benefit for the rest of the world, or even their own people.

  5. 1. Killing Saddam Hussain was a waist of life. life in solitary would have been good tho.

    2. No oil in Zimbabwe

    3. The U.S. has shown how stupid our leader is and we don't want to repeat that yet AGAIN.

  6. Blame the spineless UN.

  7. coz it has no profit in for them...u recall what happened in rwanda 1993...selfish

  8. because you can't just go into a country and say: i don't like your way of leadership *kapow* and shoot him. you're not in the united states in africa.

    We though saddam hussein had weapons of mass destruction so we had a right. but if we went into africa and shot the leader it might trigger a war.

  9. No oil there

  10. "Liberating" Iraq had nothing to do with helping anyone.  It was do to with oil, the need for energy resources and getting US companies in there (greed).  Zimbabwe has no stragic importance to the US and has no oil.  No-one in Africa seems particularly bothered either - I mean they're quite happy to let this dictator carry on year after year.

  11. Do u know who our president is?

  12. There are more pressing problems like keeping fuel in your SUV.  We can't bail out every country and religion that is unable to join us in the 21st century.  Cry them a river, maybe that will help them shed their cultural bonds and get a clue.

  13. a.

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