
How come the Americans never said anything about Hmong people during the Vietnam War?

by Guest45452  |  earlier

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From what I have read on the net, etc, The Hmong helped out the US a lot during that war, then the US left Vietnam, and left the Hmong to fight the Pathet Lao and Vietnamese Communist. I don't know how else to put this. yeah well w/e

And also, when will the US and UN realize that Hmong are hiding in the jungles of Laos and getting "yellow rain" poured on them, etc?




  1. America CANNOT AND SHOULD NOT be the Guardians of the Entire world.

    It is not our Job.  We already do far too much.

    The Viet Nam war was a war we never should have EVER been involved in.

  2. Cause there trying to cover up one of the biggest mistakes they ever made. If the acknowledge it more then they have to say that they made the mistake which they are to proud to do. I agree with the second poster the Vietnam War should have never happened at least american involvement, the protestors back they knew it and they fought and won. Its much like the Iraq war we have no buisness being there in the first place, the war was started on a lie then snowballed into what it is now, but there are no terrorists in Iraq, no weapons its all lies.

    Sorry man but there not gonna realize it cause they dont care. There too busy worrying about this one, which again is a pointless war, countless people/civilians (and yes they were civilians, americans lie) have died, and many more are gonna die from radiation poisoning.

    They dont want to look back at this war cause it will bring back bad memories of a loss, and embarrassment.

  3. You need to do more research on the subject.   That war, as people refer to it, was going on for seven centuries before the Americans got involved.   The Americans pulled out and guess what, it is still going on.  

    BTW, the Vets did tell the government about bring them here at the end.   They did not listen and now there is an even bigger gang problem.  

  4. If you have something you want people to know write it down so people can read your point of view.  There seems to be much unsaid about Vietnam, and I can tell you I have spoke to a number of men that were over there, and often times the conversation at some point generally become emotional with tears.  War zones leave many scars on many levels on all involved, honest discussions can be helpful, but they are never easy.

  5. yellow rain as in p**s?! Guess they werent that important  

  6. The Vietnam war was not lost militarily... it was lost in Washington . Defeat was snatched from the jaws of victory. After our pull out the North swept down though the South and on into Cambodia. In their wake was an ideological "purging" in which they murdered  literally million of people... some 3 to 4 million was estimated at one point. That's what the US was holding back... which you never heard about in the leftist press either. Had the US stayed those people would be alive today. As to targeting mix ups... there are sooo many organizations involved in these things that "friendly fire"... in this case gas... is unavoidable. Regrettably, errors occur including bombing and shelling of our own troops.  Its just a sad part of any armed conflict. I am sorry you suffered in this way. Please accept our apology. Best wishes and good luck.

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