
How come the Armed forces always gets credit for risking their lives for people?

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But Police officers don't? I don't think its fair , that marines come back from Iraq and get treated like heroes (which I think they are). But cops just get the middle finger! lol , They put their lives online every night as well , and with the death rate of this war , they are both equally risking their lives for people. Sorry I guess this is kind of a rant , my brothers a cop. Just wanted to say to all you other cops out there that your sacrifices are appreciated.




  1. maybe you should open your eyes to some off the living who come home with injuriessome one like you could not live with. you people make me sick the way you treat your marines

  2. Because people see the idea of war as being scarier. People walk around on the same streets as police officers all the time; being in an unknown place scares people and so they give credit to people in the armed forces because they have the guts to go in to a place they are unfamiliar with and be shot at. Being in the armed forces also shows the soldiers are prepared to leave their family and friends for their work (fight for the country).

    Eventhough police officers and soldiers equally have the same risk (as you said) it SEEMS that soldiers risk more and APPEAR to be braver, that may be or may not be the case (I think it is), but I believe that's why they are getting all the credit.

    Personally I think everyone in the armed forces is a hero, but not everyone in the police force, I don't know why =/

  3. The police do get recognition, the murder of a police officer in Britain is front page national headlines.

    The police also receive far better pay than your average soldier, have their own federation, and can claim injury pay or full paid medical retirement due to injury.

    If they are seriously injured the police are generally well looked after, as are their families should they be killed in the line of duty.

    The National Police Rehabilitation Centre, Flint House, Oxfordshire, UK.

    The Northern Police Convalescent and Treatment Centre (NPC&TC)

    Very few police are killed in the line of duty when compared to military members serving in a war zone, however a high number are injured either as a result of accident or assault.

  4. My life was saved by a Police Officer, I have respect for them.

  5. most people don't like cops because the of the simple fact that cops give them tickets/ arrest them.

    I the military started giving people speeding tickets and busting them then most people would like them either

  6. There is a couple reasons for that. First of all, the average police officer rarely sees live gun fire. The soldiers in Iraq face gunfire on a regular basis.

    The next major difference, media coverage of the war is generally favorable. When is the last time you seen a "feel good" story involving a police officer? The media gives national attention to a police officer doing something questionable, but you rarely see a story when they do good.

  7. it's an unfair world

  8. I think police officers and fireman both don't get their just due .BUT part of it may be because  they don't have to worry about a roadside bomb on the way to a call, and usually not snipers.  They get to go home every night, if they survive it, opposed to hot substandard tents, or risk eletrocution when getting out of the showers with contaiminated water.  Or work every single day nonstop, no off days, or vacation days.

    When the bridge fell here in Minneapolis last summer, it wasn't police officers that when in the dark murky water looking for bodies, it was US Navy divers.   Going in intentionally trying to find bodies that were covered with wrekage for 3-5 days, so their families could lay them to rest.

    When hurricane Katrina hit, it wasn't police helicopters running those rescue missions pulling people out of the water, and from rooftops,  it was the US Coast Guard. The Ragin Cajun that supervised the evacuation from the dome was also in the military..  Police can also call their loved ones every day and talk for hours.  They can also call and quit any day with no problems,  or not call at all.  A soldier would be UA (unauthorized abscence)or AWOL(absent without leave), and during time of war that is punishable by death.  If you ask the average person on the street who do you think has it harder, the cops or the Marines in Iraq, I think you know what the answer would be.

    Again, I do think not enough appreciation, or recognition is bestowed upon our men and women in the police force,  or our firemen and women.    But I do understand the military praise., and they too don't get enough really.

  9. Well said!!! I think alot of people feel the same way

  10. I've been saying the same thing for years....


    I respect our military personell, absolutely! But there are police officers right here in my town that are keeping my children and me safe. God bless them... it's not a town I'd want to patrol, that's for sure.

  11. its because they have greater chance of fatality

  12. My husband retired from a Police force.

    Policemen are respected and given credit for what they do.

    Armed Service personnel also serve, but they leave their homes and loved ones, go into areas of armed conflict and risk their lives.

    I know that Police officers are at risk with every traffic stop, every domestic violence call, stc. but they live a normal life while they engage in their careers.

    While soldiers are on active duty, they live together in conditions unlike home, miss their families, and don't have the freedom of movement that they would in their own environments.

    It is similar in dedication, but different in execution.

    Both areas of service are appreciated.

    Watch a war movie if you think all things are equal.

  13. armed forces life is more riskey than cops

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