
How come the BBC can find illegal immigrant networks, and the police don't?

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Errr... There is something wrong here when a TV broadcaster can find law breakers, but the police can't.

Or is that just me?




  1. perhaps the BBC can find the WMD In Iraq they spent years warning us about too?

  2. Yes, it happens a lot, doesn't it?

  3. police   =   incompetence

  4. Takes effort.  

    Much easier to harrass a woman with a small baby whose car tax is a few days out of date (took two male officers to do this, btw, as I was such a "heinous" criminal . . .).

  5. Journalists don't have the same burden of proof as police - the police would need to see the documents hidden in the safe to prove they were fake, all journalists have to do is point a hidden camera at them & say they're fake.

    The police may have been aware of this person but were unable to act without proof, this journalist may have helped to drive the people they needed to speak to & his sources of documents and people underground.

  6. Because the Police are target driven so it's easier to hit budget by cracking down on motorists. So they're too busy standing on bridges pointing cameras at cars.

  7. The police officers are brainwashed at recruitment by the PC brigade, and have to be careful about their job security, especially if the race relation industry make a complaint against them.

    The BBC are able to do it because their investigations are released to millions in the domestic domain before the said industry can raise it's squeaks in protest.

  8. Barack Obama recently told a radical Hispanic rights group that their communities are being "terrorized" by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids. The Democratic presidential nominee made his comments Sunday while addressing the annual convention of the National Council of La Raza in San Diego.

  9. lack of effort perhaps?

  10. What do you think is wrong?

  11. It was on the news tonight, all the right wing amongst us know this sort of thing goes on, its amazing the bbc have chosen to expose it.

  12. You make me wonder too.Perhaps the Police have more pressing priorities . It is a problem that should be a Governments responsibility.

  13. Because there's more money and easier convictions to be had by catching motorists.

    We're off to  h**l in a hand cart...and we're being wheeled there by foreigners and incompetent politicians and police who are target driven.

    Just seen the news and its shoking that the response from the home office was that ID cards will sort it all out - what a bunch of clowns...just more things for illegals to forge!!

  14. How do you catch them when you dont even know they are here, call me racist if you like but I keep seeing T.V reports and local press reports which give a disproportionate rates of crime commited by people with foreign names,

  15. The problem is that police aren't on TV as often as TV broadcasters, so when they do do stuff, there isn't a camera right behind them, covering it.

    Also, reporters are like detectives, don't you watch TV?

  16. Number one reason is 'brains'.  While the BBC employ highly educated and clever investigative journalists, the best the fuzz have are a few detectives who may or may not know the whereabouts of a villain what dunnit, etc.

    Other thing is, that people are far more likely to spill the beans to a reporter than they ever are to someone whom they know is from the Fuzz.

    Look at it like this.  In some parts of London, a witness is the same thing as a grass.  But hey, being interviewed for the TV that's okay etc. . . . it's not grassing is it?

  17. Too much bother...easier to convict someone eating a kit cat at the traffic lights!

  18. i agree with oswald - immigration is nt and should not be a police issue - the government have other agencies such as customs. immigration board etc etc to deal with this but you do make a good point maybe the bbc should be our government and start handling the wrongs they keep reporting

  19. the police have enough trouble finding their way home. thats why they have numbers on their tunics,  in case they get lost.

  20. they are not looking that hard ,

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