
How come the COT in the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series All-Star race looked side-ways off the turn especially the 77

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How come the COT in the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series All-Star race looked side-ways off the turn especially the 77




  1. The rear housing which drives the rear wheels is rotated a couple of degrees to point the rear wheels to the right. This helps the car turn around the corners.

    The catch is when it goes straight the front wheels don't line up ("track") with the rear wheels, so the driver has to c**k the steering wheel to the right a little so that both the front and rear wheels are going straight.

    This causes the car to look like it's going sideways or sliding down the straightaway.

    In the old car, they just twisted the body and frame, so you didn't notice as much, but they can't mess with the chassis or body panels on the COT.

  2. they are going so fast that the rear end of the cars always slide up the track, then they gas is and go forward down the straight away, lots of tracks do that,

  3. That is how they setup the cars for the corners becuase if they do that they can turn a better corner than a car that does not have that setup.

  4. I think it was the way they had the Tow-setup. it looked like it was "Slideways"

  5. Looks like everyone's noticed the lop-sided cars, especially NASCAR:

    " 'Crabby' cars may be scaled back by NASCAR: Expect NASCAR to tell Sprint Cup teams that they've gone far enough - and in some cases, too far - with making crooked cars. Sprint Cup Series director John Darby said Saturday that teams will get a memo, likely this week, telling them to "clean up" the way they're turning their wheels to help the cars handle better. "They need some of that, but there are some of them that have pushed it," Darby said. The rear wheels on some of the cars were turned to the point that some were having difficulty being pushed onto the scales used in inspection. "

  6. They talked about it on SPEED. They intentionally set up the rear ends on most cars to hang out to the right in order to help the cars turn. You gotta give the crew chiefs/engineers credit. Since it's debut, the new car has been consistently difficult to turn. I knew they'd find a solution but I didn't see that one coming. I would think it to be hard on the tires as theye're "scrubbing" down the straightaways but DW said it isn't.

  7. i think the all star race was ok but very boring i fell asleep watching the race they should really find a better way to make them more equal cause look how the 18 car just took off and got 2 sec lead an like 5 laps something some were isnt right

  8. The body is put on crooked. That's just the way NASCAR felt like making the car. Looks stupid to me, but what are you gonna do?

  9. They are yawed out.  That's the term I've heard used on different forums and Internet articles.

    I don't think NASCAR should mess with it much.  They've messed with the cars enough. I mean, if they regulate everything so that no one has an advanatge of any kind, what are we going to be left with? Spec cars, spec engines and spec drivers? Also, not every driver can drive a yawed out car well.  The two that seem to be the best at it are Card Edwards and Kyle Busch.

  10. they want to get more side draft

  11. I noticed the #77 car was the most extreme example of this and I bet NASCAR is going to look at it. Everytime NASACR designs a car or lays out rules teams try their best to make the junk work. "Stock" cars have not resembles "stock cars" since the '80's no doubt they have become safer but at what cost? And next year they say the Nationwise cars will follow suit? Come on! Whats next ASA? and then our local saturday night short tracks? The roots of NASCAR have vanished!!!!!!!

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