
How come the Democratic women are bashing Governor Palen? Are they jealous cause their own party tossed ?

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Hillary to the curb?




  1. Apparently.

  2. Jealous is their number one reason.

  3. Nope, Palin (as her name is correctly spelled) is for nearly everything they are against. It has nothing to do with gender and everything to do with the issues. Maybe you should focus on those.

  4. Because the man would have never picked her if it wasn't for Hilliary in the first place. And the way the mccain campaign is useing her to get to women. Notice how they keep using the same old line that she's a mother of 5 and a hockey mom a normal american family. This is a bunch of c**p. Mccain lost his indendent votes it went to obama. And women voters went to obama.  Mccain is soooo out of touch on everything I don't know y he picked her. Right now her family is being draged in the dirt!

    Vote Obama-Biden nov. 4

  5. for my part i still want hill but palins not too bad i like her too if i can't have hill now then palins not that much of a leap

  6. No.  It's because they are Democrats, and Palin is a Republican.  How often have you seen Republicans saying nice things about Democrats?

  7. Actually there are a bunch who are voting for Mccain and not bashing Palin at all.  That is the reason so many Obamabots are so scared of her and showing their sexism.

  8. 2 points

  9. How come women in general are bashing Palin? Women in general are bashing Sarah Palin because they don't agree with her for many reasons.

    This is a non-partisan issue.

  10. As a Republican even I am amazed at the stupidity of this question.  It's probably b/c Palin doesn't represent the the typical American woman.  She is pro-life, which majority of the American women are not.  She is pro-gun, which again majority of the typical American women are not.  She is trying to be marketed as the "typical American woman", but the "typical American women" I know work c**p jobs to help put food on the table.  But probably the most disgusting thing is (through no fault of her own) she was selected to hopefully enlist the female vote.  I mean really?  Does the GOP honestly think that the female population is really that stupid and will just blindly follow any v****a?  I don't have a problem with a woman running for office or being on the ticket but I mean come on don't try to pull the wool over our eyes GOP.  I am truly ashamed of my party today.

  11. Palin is not a feminist. It's insulting to compare her to a women who has been part of the Women's movement for 30 years. Watch Hillary come out and say the same thing.

  12. I think the Republican party is quite ignorant to think that just because they added a female to the ticket... that they will get the Democratic women's vote.  

    I would hope most women would study the issues and make their decision based on that... instead of gender.

  13. True statement.

  14. Republican women are bashing Palin too. Women are upset that the Republicans are playing games with this process by throwing an inexperienced woman in the mix, just to get votes.

  15. GOP political games.  Straight out of the Rove/Limbaugh playbook.

    Don't let yourself be fooled.

  16. Maybe because they are women before they are Democrats and Palin doesn't represent their values.  

    Most women are pro-choice, but Palin believes abortion should be illegal even in the case of rape or incest.

    Most women believe in educating their children about s*x, but Palin believes that abstinence-only education is the way to go.

    Plus Palin is a strong supporter of gun ownership rights, and most women prefer more regulation of firearms (Sure in Alaska they mostly kill animals, but here in the lower 48 a lot of PEOPLE are killed by guns).

  17. They are bashing her because they are against the morals she stands for.  

    Democratic woman are baby killers (pro~choice), homosexual lovers (they believe g*y marriage and special privileges belong to the sexually immoral), believers of lies about the economy and ozone layers. They also believe that we should teach our children to have s*x outside of marriage and that they should be allowed to kill a baby that happens because of the s*x they taught them to have. They do not value life.  They also want to take away our rights to bear arms so that only the criminals will be left with arms.  They are opposed to everything that is good.

    What gives anyone the right to murder? What gives anyone the right to go against nature? The ice always melts in the summer and re-freezes every year in the Artics.  In fact it is thicker now than it has been in a few years. ...Do they honestly believe that gun regulations are helping? The criminals still have guns. If the good citizens can't have them they will be defenseless  People really need to check their facts before they start hating.


  19. Probably because Palin keeps invoking Hillary,...and Hillary supporters are not the dumb gender based voters that the McCain campaign seems to think they are...

    as if Hillary is anything like this witch....that's a stretch dont'cha think ?

    Hillary has a mountain of experience, and is not an anti-choice fundi wacko hypocrite.

  20. Its actually just the news media who keeps mentioning that and thats weird because republicans control the new media look at the CEO's they are all republicans. If you pay attention you will see that Obama is protecting Palin's integrity and says FAMILIES ARE OFF LIMITS

  21. She is a big ear mark and pork barrel spender which is not conservative by any stretch. Hillary was the same unable to control her spending. We need some one who is fiscally responsible and I feel Obama has proved he is capable of taking care of the economy and other important issues that face our country.

  22. There are alot of women basking Palin and its not just democratic women either.  Understand the facts.

  23. Jealous of the Titanic (old & sinking) that the Repubs. put up this election?? NO.

    Obama and Biden are doing VERY well, have you not seen the polls lately??

    I am very satisfied and proud of the Democratic party.

  24. Undoubtedly.

  25. The Dem women just came to the realization that they have been duped by the DNC. The DNC talks that they want to support women but the kicked Hillary to the curb. That is how they really feel about women in general. That was a terrible thing to do to her.

  26. It's PALIN.

    The point even then (with Hillary and Obama) was the SAME OLD.  OLD VIEWS or NEW ONES.

    EVEN MORE CRITICAL this time around would you not say?

    Obama for hope.

    McCain for...uh...hmmm....

  27. I dont see how getting 18 million votes is getting tossed.

  28. There are two factors is young women who didn't see the equal rights struggle. They are willing to throw Palin under the bus for political gain.

    The second are hard core feminists who think Palin is not woman enough because she doesn't support abortion. Kind of like the backlash Obama has seen from old school black activists.

  29. they love obama more. and its their party  duty to bash any other woman who might take her place.

  30. Liberals feel that have to destroy any real conservative leader. The left are expert character assassins.  

  31. I guess liberals are easily duped, especially liberal women.

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