
How come the Gotham City Police never figure out that Bruce Wayne is Batman?

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I mean he is the only one that could afford all the gadjets and the mansion accessible cave should be a dead giveaway.




  1. Maybe you should ask the writers?   And while you are at it......get a life.

  2. Becasue it's a MOVIE!

    Oh yeah, the Tooth Fairy and Easter Bunny aren't real either..........

  3. Hollywood magic lol

  4. Because his butler has dressed up as Batman and appeared at the same social events at the same time as Bruce Wayne.

    Read a little (even if it  is a comic book) it's enlightening.

  5. Cops can't figure out anything on their own someone has to tell them.

  6. You DO know that it is fiction, right?

  7. ACTUALLY THEY never tried to find it out, since in the story Batman help the helpless citizens of Gotham city, right? So why would the police investigate Batman himself? On what ground, he is not considered a menace to society unlike the other villains such as Joker and Riddler that is why the police never figure out who Batman is.

    I SHOULD say no Batman is not the only one who got the gadgets, take one example MISTER FREEZE and Riddler they all got gadgets too except a mansion or a cave.

    ALL IN ALL it is part of the story line of Batman. If they did found out who Batman is,  the story is already ruin. The thrill is taken out of Batman.

  8. Well, he is wearing a mask, after all!

  9. Because it's hard to figure out.  Like all of the people I know, when they put on glasses I can't recognize them at all.

  10. Because they have cartoon brains

  11. I would bet because its only a comic book movie!

  12. TV  but that would ruin the show. Cant believe youre really asking a question like this

  13. because the police station had budget cuts and had to hire retarded almost blind people at half min wage so they could never figure out who batman was

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