
How come the Liberals are against things that will keep the U.S. independent from foreign Dictators?Such as...

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Using the Reserve of Oil and Shale we have in the U.S.?( while finding alternative resources)Why are they against everything that we need to maintain our(immediate) Freedom?The very Freedoms they are using to block any solution freeing us from Foreign Energy Dependence at every turn . .............Are they trying destroy our already weakening economy ?(which by the way is crucial to the World Economy.) Does Obama have a Magic Wand he can wave around and fix everything?




  1. Your freedom is an illusion. You are bogged down in arguing moot points, your country has been taken hostage by the corporate elite an wealthy.  Blinded by patriotism, you fail to realize that government for the people by the people is gone. Your government answers to those who pay for them to be elected. I suggest that you join your democratic brothers and unite to take back what was given to you by your founding fathers.

    The only thing that has changed since 1776 is that instead of England ruling and giving you taxation without representation, you now have Corporations and the Wealthy taking Englands place.

  2. I don't think they are against using the reserves necessarily.. I think generally they just don't think that drilling for oil will solve our problem.. Energy independence seems to be differant in the meanings as Republicans think it means to drill, while Dems seem to think it means finding alternatives.. In the short term, neither will work.. In the long, we know drilling will work to a point, and that is a good point by Reps.. But Dems think alternatives will rid it all together and are willing to take that chance.. We see now, that Japan is selling new vehicles to Americans that use no oil whatsover.. This is proving the Dems point.. Personally, I'm with the Dems on this point.. We need to invest in alternatives so that we have the advantage in the world on the subject.. We should be selling our products abroad.. Or, we'll just shift our dependency from oil, to products from abroad..

  3. Why in the world would you think that "liberals" are against developing natural resources?

    We "liberals" are against irresponsible development off-shore development of oil wells.  The reason is that current technology does not protect our shorelines from massive oil spills in the event of natural disasters such as hurricanes.

    No liberal that I know objects to extracting oil from our massive shale reserves out west.

    I think that Republican politicians try to dupe naive supporters into thinking that "liberals" are against energy development.

    Liberals are the working person's friend.  Count on GM developing the electric Volt.  Count on Nissan developing their plug in electric in 2011.   These are a couple of things that will help us.

    What will generate jobs and help working people is the fertile future job market in creating green "this is liberal" energy sources such as wind and solar.  Once we concentrate our efforts upon saving our planet's ecology, we will create more jobs and prosperity than has ever been imagined.

    Say no to Republican lies, elitism, war and pollution.  Say yes to Democrat solutions for healthcare, jobs and the environment.  

    Let's not be enemies.  Let's be friends who work together to create prosperity for the working class and to save our environment.  Name calling...calling people "liberals" in a taunting manner, is not going accomplish anything.

  4. Because they aren't against it. They are just trying to bring some sanity and common sense. A thimble of oil in the ANWR will not make the U.S. independent

  5. The sooner our economy collapses, the sooner we can hand over more of our rights to our now heavily centralized government.

    The libs, which is short for communist, would love to hand over all of our sovereignty to the UN, take away your ability to arm and defend yourself and put you in a detainment camp.

    The left is always pushing the idea of interdependence rather than independence, so our dependence on foreign oil, goods from China - it is not a good thing.

    In the end it will boil down to 1 thing:

    Can anyone here make soap?

  6. Because the higher the price of oil goes. The more people will have to depend on the government. That's the liberal logic. They don't want people to get ahead because if everyone was rich we wouldn't have McDonald's workers. Take blacks for example. dems have kept them down for years by throwing all those social programs at them. Giving them just enough to get by. But it guarantees their vote because they think they are being helped......

  7. Stupid is as Stupid does.

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