
How come the Obama Media doesnt have him 15 to 20 points ahead of McCain ?

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Kerry and Gore were at least 10 to15 points ahead of Bush in 2000 and 2004 and they kept the lead almost right up till election time when they lost. So what has happened to Mr. Obama ?




  1. Funny how the great DNC messiah only got a 3 to 6 point bump after such an "electrifying" convention?!

    The Obama campaign is having a shitfit that McCain bumped them off the news cycle just 24 hours after the convention. Now they had to tear down their "war room" because of the hurricane. ROFLMAO!

    You would think that with the entire liberal media, George Soros money, teh support of, and the blind support of the koolaid drinking dredge of Dem voters BHO would be polling 65/35 vs McCain??

    I thought "EVERYONE" hates bush?!

    I wonder if Chris Matthews got a tingle up his sphincter when McCain chose Palin?

  2. There are many people who are tired of Obama politics and  the media's slant and passes on him.  Many can see through the slanted politics expressed by the media and Obama. They want and see the clear thoughts and American values that McCain and Palin will bring.  Hence, we see the difference.  What happened to Obama?  Obama happened to Obama and will lose this election!  Good question!  Star from me!

  3. Usually, the Democrats would have a comfortable lead.  This should be a Democrat year, after an unpopular Republican president.  Obama has never been able to get a big lead in the polls.  I suspect that the Hillary voters are not as happy as the DNS would like to believe.  She was treated badly by her party.  The Wright/Pfleger/Ayers problems came out too late in the primaries to help Hillary.  But I believe those problematic friendships concern voters.  The Europe fiasco didn't bring Obama the bump he needed.  I suppose we will see more reasons for Obama to continue to be neck and neck with McCain, or if he does something that gives him a lead.   And BTW, the polls do not indicate who is whining.  The questions are are very specific.  But you know that already.

  4. SARAHCUDA !!! Once the DNC convention is over, McCain/Palin will soar past gobackbarack/bin biden. The more you see of Palin, the more you like her-she is what washngton needs and will do great things with McCain. He had the good judgement to pick her. Sarahcuda was her nickname when she played basketball.

  5. The more people get to know Obama the more they will reject him. Believe me I know.

  6. Because the obama media is not gonna cave in to the fact that McCain is ahead, in reality!! they are affraid!!!

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