
How come the U.S. Womens' Basketball Team doesn't get any props or headlines?? They've been dominant..?

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This is being asked by a NBA and U.S. Men's Basketball fan.




  1. It's partly because the US women's basketball team dominates teams at will and have not embarrassed themselves in the Olympics since 1992.  The 1996 on dynasty of Lisa Leslie and company has never lost in the Olympics so it is expected that they win every game; and they only will make BIG headlines if they lost.  Then I think the 2012 US women's team will be hyped more as a "redeem team" and it will get more headlines.

    Sure the US women were third in the 2006 world championships, but the FIBA world championships come nowhere close to the Olympics in terms of media exposure and importance.  

    I don't think the WNBA has much, if any to do with their lack of headlines compared with the men's team.  The men's team has so much exposure because after all basketball is the only team sport in the Olympics that brings the best professional athletes from each and every country.  Even men's soccer doesn't do that anymore.    

    But to be honest, I think the women's team has received a good amount of exposure during the Olympics.

  2. omg i knoww.

    4 gold medals.

  3. Same reason why most people don't care about WNBA.  True i think WNBA is the most underrated major U.S. sport, even woman softball, and valleybaal get far more attention,

  4. they do get alot of props

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