
How come the U.S economy is falling apart?

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How come the U.S economy is falling apart?




  1. Another reason:  Banks and mortgage companies allowed financing to people who couldn't afford a fixed mortgage with a mortgage which increased when interest rates increased.  When that happened, home owners could no longer afford to make payments & their homes were foreclosed.  I don't have any idea what the figures are but this I know:  it's a whole bunch!  

    At least two banks have gone under and there will probably be more to follow -- also mortgage companies.

    Mortgages are harder now to get (as they should have been) and home values are decreasing considerably (they were over-valued).

    The construction business is suffering as well.

    While there are other causes affecting our economy I believe that this is one of the main ones.

  2.   Because the US government let it`s people down.They allowed other countries to ship more product in than what was being shipped out.They came up with the Free Trade Act that wasn`t fair for the citizens in the US.  The US Governmant has become more concerned with what is going on in other countries and along the way they lost sight of what it good for their own country.  

  3. limited resources. population is growing and more competitions is building between businesses.

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