
How come the United Kingdom receives more asylum applications than other countries in Europe?

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The UK has had over recent years asylum applications sometimes of over 100,000 every year. Quite a lot. This is widely known but stats available on request.

Quotes "At the other end of the scale, Estonia had only five asylum requests in 2006, followed by Latvia with 10."

From BBC article titled = EU 'must share burden of asylum'

I don't full understand or know the reasons why the UK, an island much further away from trouble / conflict zones, takes a massive thousand times more applications than some other EU countries which share borders.

It would be interesting to learn and hear from others who might know more about this complicated issue than I do. Reasons are as I wish to clear my concerns and want to look forward to changes that benefit everyone, decent immigrants and natives.




  1. Anyone who requests asylum gets temporary housing and other benefits at taxpayer expense.  Britain is the only country that does this, so people go there, file bogus "asylum" claims and live off British citizens.  Even though their applications are denied, they still manage to live rent free for months or even years.  

    There are quite a number who emigrated illegally to France, did not get asylum (often did not even apply), then illegally enter the UK, then file asylum.  Of course, they are not eligible for asylum under UN regulations or UK laws.  But they still have to get free housing, etc. until their case is adjudicated.  

    As soon as UK abolishes all "giveaways" to asylum applicants, the asylum applicants will stop coming, and those already there will depart.

  2. But they don't approve all of them. Euro has set a quota for every country!

  3. Firstly under UN law asylum should be claimed in the 1st safe country.

    Anyway, all I can suggest there are two reasons, firstly if they are English speakers it would make sense rather than say France.

    The main reason is that they must be better off in the UK as otherwise why would they come here in preference to other countries.

  4. Because we are a softer touch!

  5. Soft touch.

  6. Because we hand out our money like confetti but only to foreigners . the British public just pays the bill like it or not. Please do not ask me for reasons i have given up trying to understand this madhouse years ago.

  7. The UK does not receive more asylum applications than other EU countries, nor does it have more refugees.

    In 2007 the UK hosted 299,700 refuges and Germany hosted 578,900 refugees.

    Of asylum seeker claims in 2007 France had more.

    Its seems that the UK government and press are h**l bent on making it look like that UK are doing more than their fair share when in reality they're not.

  8. Because our stupid government allows them here - gives them benefits - makes councils give them priority for housing - gives them money for cars or vans...need I go on.

    Our own countrymen have to go without because of them

  9. What sort of public assistance/benefits are available to asylum seekers in Estonia and Latvia?

    I think therein lies your answer.

  10. basically this is down to the stupidity and incompetance of both the politically correct officials and politicians who are totally terrified of european numpties who will NOT accept their responsibility to so called refugees . The answer to this debacle is to make it an issue at the next election and if no real answer is forth comming vote for another party preferably a party that can cause disruption with the usless 3 parties who are scared stiff of anything european , oh of course the real answer is GET this country OUT of the european monstrosity

  11. Because if you white and working you have to provide for the rest of the world who want a free ride!

  12. We offer them benefits, the health system, housing and job opportunities. These are not available in many eastern european countries. Also because we already have a very diverse mix of cultures, they find it easier to integrate.

  13. possibly because the government is a soft touch. For a start under UN and EU asylum laws asylum seekers must claim asylum in the first safe country they arrive in, yet somehow UK gets all these asylum seekers many of whom come from landlocked countries without seaports, others coming from countries without a functioning airline infrastructure

  14. Part of the answer is in your question.  Of course people will want to live in "an island much further away from trouble / conflict zones"

  15. we have the best benefits system

    the best health service

    the best housing

    etc etc etc etc

    and our stupid government lets these people in and believes their sob stories

    which is why we have so many gangs who claimed they were running from trouble and who continue it here.

  16. The UK rolls out the red carpet and muslims are offer a benefit package of freebies that in reality like America for the illegal Mexicans who come here are put before citizens in the UK Muslims come first and get most benefits then if you were born there

  17. could it have something to do with the fact that we give them everything from free housing to free NHS treatment free education and free benefits, but when it come to our own citizens we are entitled to nothing, isn't it time for a major change of government in this country.

  18. Any one who believes that all those applying for Asylum in the UK are really Asylum Seekers need their heads tested.. The vast majority of them are economic migrants who have been led to believe That the UK is a place to make a fortune by just getting in ,and applying for as many  welfare or benefits possible.. An Increasing number of  these people prove it to be right. With their large Families they jump the queues to receive priority over the native waiting list.

  19. COS WE ARE A SOFT TOUCH.As easy as that.

  20. Havent you heard we give them proprity over us on housing and pretty much everytinh else

  21. because were stupid..we let them in and then pay tax so they can get their benefits...  

  22. Because we are a lunatic asylum.

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