
How come the best US states, the most prosperous and wealthy States are those that Mexican Immigrants built ?

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States like CA, NM, AZ, CO, OR, TX, ,,etc....

Cities like L.A. San Jose, San Diego, Dallas, Forth Woth, El Paso, San Antonio, Phoenix, Pueblo, Las Vegas, etc...





  1. the best state is new york hands down.

  2. You are dead wrong!



    Phoenix looking at putting slot machines in airport=broke.

    Las Vegas=laying people off,

    All border counties with Mexico, their hospitals are broke. Due to the drain put on them by illegals out of Mexico!

    Phoenix #1 ID theft!

    New kidnapping capital of USA!

    Coyotes kidnapping each other for Ransom. Kidnapping other Mexicans and holding for Ransom from families in drop houses.

    Drop house raided with weapons and drugs.

    High drain on Social services.

    Could go on, but you get it?

  3. LOL. Funny question.

    They didn't build any of those towns or States.

    But I have a question for you? If Mexicans are so great building the towns and states here in the USA, how come they can't build up any of their towns and states in Mexico?

  4. Probably because they hired cheap labor.

  5. Only because you say so.  Even if this were a true statement, can you explain why they (Mexican Power) are now trying to undermine and destroy it all?

  6. First of all, let me ask you some question:

    what are you smoking???

    did you read your geography book up-side-down?

    how come no Mexicans claimed that they built

    "MEXICO"? it is your own country, isn't it?

    and last time I checked,

    CA has billions and billions of dollars in deficit,

    NM is amongst the poorest states of this country

    AZ (where I used to live) is far from the most prosperous, most of the wealthy ones are the Jews from NY!!

    TX is doing well because of the oil, not because of Mexicans

    And before I leave you with the helucination of believing

    "THE MEXICANS BUILT USA", let me tell you one more thing,  immigrants of other races came here and established the social/legal/financial structures so that things "WORK" in the US, so that the Mexicans who fled Mexico where things "DON"T WORK" can actually make a living instead of just being drifters in their "OWN COUNTRY"

  7. The reason why Mexicans are so well established there is cause the LAND BELONGS TO THEM! They've been there for thousands of years! Their roots are imbeded there. So in a sense, those southwestern states were ALL build by Mexicans. But i wouldnt say that they are the most prosperous and wealthy.

  8. California: 13 billion dollar deficit 2007

    Arizona: 2 billion dollar deficit passed anti-illegal bill

    Mexican BS!

  9. All the border towns that you mentioned are the only ones in trouble financially due to illegal immigrants from Mexico. Hospitals are closing from NON PAYING-NON CITIZENS using the E.R.'s, schools are in trouble, crime rate is up.

    Why dont you ask your government why they hate you.

  10. Well, here you are dealing with stereotypes.  Caucasians built this nation, but not without the inducted or deceived help or enslavement of other races, and a whole lot of bloodshed in conquering the indigenous people!  Our nation was built on killing people from even before day one as the colonies of other European nations!

    California was clearly made prosperous... and has been ruined by... caucasian settlers and immigrants and people today moving from other US "states".  All of what you call "the best US states" were never a true part of Mexico due to their lack of being able to manage it.  The Spanish, yes, they managed those lands, but Mexico could not, in fact, the Commanche tribes of Texas and the Chiricahua of Arizona and New Mexico were a huge factor in preventing the Mexicans from legitimately claiming the desert southwest.

    Except for the The Gadsden Purchase, the Estados Unidos de Mexico was formed after the Spanish lost or sold most of their northern America holdings to our United States of America.  When Estados Unidos de Mexico became a tyrannical republic in 1821, it did not have the resources to manage most of its Sonora desert area northward, and only small settlements such as in San Antonio, Alamogordo, Santa Fe, El Paso, Las Cruces, Tuscon and Yuma were settled as trade route stop-overs, but they were never under the Mexican protectorate.

    The part of northern America (and America is a vertical hemisphere named America almost 300 years before our United States of America came into being, America is NOT a country, which means that Mexicans and Canadians and Cubans ARE Americans)  that Mexican "immigrants" -- not all were immigrants, many were legal residents that pre-dated our USA !!! -- helped to build have been pretty much destroyed or confiscated and rebuilt beyond recognition by we caucasians.  But what we caucasians did to the Spanish, the Spanish before us also did to the indigenous people whom we wrongly call Indians (they are actually Mongolians)!

    Now, you mention "states".  The correct definition of a state is a legal federation or country.  What we call "states" are not really states, and this change was determined after we replaced our US Articles of Confederation with our US Constitution.  Like everything we do in our ignorant nation, we continue to use mis-defined words, like calling zero "oh", when the letter "oh" is on your six-key of your cell phone, not on the former "operator" key which is the zero key.  We do stupid things like that, like calling ourselves "America".

    All of these states you mention, like California, New Mexico, Arizona, Oregon, Texas, and cities like Los Angeles, San Jose, San Diego, Dallas, Forth Woth, El Paso, San Antonio, Phoenix, Pueblo, Las Vegas, and so on, were created by caucasian designs.  True, a lot of non-caucasian labor went into those constructions, but also a lot of caucasian labor went into them as well.  When caucasians move into an area like El Centro and Socorro, we change the original settlements into new larger towns and cities that often eradicates the old villages and towns.  I remember small communities  on narrow two-lane highways back in the late 1950s south of Chula Vista and north of Tiajuana that looked exactly like they were a settlement of Mexico, and they no longer exist!

    What you are overlooking is that the HUGE influx of people from south or our United States of America ... and many of them are NOT Mexicans, are changing our USA in the same way that caucasians changed the former Spanish land grant territories, except that they are not stealing land by changing laws to overrule previous Spanish laws!

    So I think you need to look at this more clearly and study real history.  We need to eliminate misconceptions and ignorance caused by fantasy judgements.

  11. LOL!!!

    The best states are in the Northeast.

    CT for one is the mexicans there.

  12. Please explain how Mexicans built these states.  I have studied history for the past 11 years and have two college degrees in the subject for my endeavors.  I fail to see how Mexicans are responsible for the success of these states.  Please provide the facts.

    The only relevance that I can see to your statement and these states is that, for the most part, they lie in close proximity to the uS-Mexican border.

    The Mexicans were not even successful in holding these lands and claiming them for their own country.  They couldn't even hold on to them, how do you expect to take credit for making them successful states as they are AMERICAN states.

    .........still waiting for your proof...............

  13. what is your data and the source?

  14. your assumptions are wrong.  Illegal immigrants move to these states beacuse the economic opportunities are better.   Many are parasites, not economic adders.

    If you like Mexico so much, maybe you should go back.

    After all life is so good there

  15. Hate to break it to you but mexican immigrants didn't build those states,they were built by whites just like the rest of the country and CA is far from wealthy,they're pretty much bankrupt.

  16. mexicans did  NOT build anything all they do is bring in blight, and hurt the true legal worker.

    theya re lazy people that need to go back home so that we legal americans can finally get what we work hard for.

  17. Your assumptions are erroneous.  These states' (and cities')economies are deteriorating and the quality of life eroding.  Crime is escalating.  

    California, e.g., is running a huge budget deficit and is in crisis again.  The costs of the illegal alien population are so huge that by eliminating the costs of illegal aliens, the state would be running a surplus.  

    Hospitals have gone bankrupt and closed -- they would have been highly profitable if not for the costs of providing care to illegal aliens, who refuse to pay their bills.  E.g. in one year (back in the mid-1990's) the county hospital in LA had a deficit of $475 million; the costs of care for non-paying illegal aliens exceeded $575 million.  The situation is far worse and far more widespread now.

    There is no excuse for violating immigration laws.  Stop lying, stop making excuses, and stop breaking the law.

    BTW, if you think you are such a great nation-builder, why did you leave your own country?  It's so glorious, properous, and wealthy?

  18. Contrary to what you believe, those states are nearly bankrupt due to the influx of illegal immigrants.

    Not a single state you mentioned is in the top 10 in the country.

    Good Luck

  19. The majority of the cities and states aren't ranked as the most wealthy and prosperous (a couple exceptions, obviously).  

    And if it were truly because of some magical Mexican powers, then following this logic, Mexican states (in Mexico proper) would be even more prosperous.  

    But they're not.

  20. Have you spent any amount of time in those states you mentioned?  They suck.

  21. They built it with an inspiration from the white. Mixican vote for the white not black .

  22. yep....definitely cheap

  23. But are you American? Do you fly the American flag? Do you pledge allegience to the red, white and blue?

    The places you cite were not built from nothing by shear willpower. They had oil (TX), weather and the movie industry (CA), tourism (CO), Anglo retirees (AR), the computer industry (OR)...

    What Mexicans bring to the table is cheap labor and an industious physical energy. Without Anglo investment and dynamic business ambition that region you cite would look just like Old Mexico.

    The cities you cite are filled with Latino gangs and Spanish-speaking residents that support or fear them.

    In general, the only people of Mexican heritage who advance themselves in the United States are those who dive into the melting pot of American culture and become one of "us."

    The ones who do that are embraced and welcomed by right-thinking Americans. Those who insist they are "Mexican" instead of "Americans of Mexican bckground" are rightly seen as interlopers, the same as Frenchmen, Italians and Swedes who refuse to adapt.

    As a final note, one might ask: "If the Mexican immigrants are so great at building prosperous and wealthy States like CA, NM, AZ, CO, OR, TX why are they such dismal failures in bringing prosperity to AGU, BCN, BCS, CAM, CHP, CHH, COA, COL, DUR, GUA, GRO, HID, JAL, MEX, MIC, MOR, NAY, NLE, OAX, PUE, QUE, ROO, SLP, SIN, SON, TAB, TAM, TLA, VER, YUC, ZAC?

  24. are you a fool?

    EL paso is like h**l

    SAN ANTONIO.. please give me a break.

    ALL those cities you named are not wealthy.

    TExas is not wealthy.

    Wealthy states are Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Vermont, and other north eastern states. That is why the cost of living is soo high in those states and people usually down grade to the south to get jobs and cheap housing.

    I don't have anything against mexicans but seriously you are making yourself look like an ****

    if you love mexico so bad, why don't u just go back? its just across the border. Stop climbing fences to come here and then diss us on our own land.

    You should say AMERICAN power...not should only say MEXICAN if you are living in Mexico

  25. i think because mexico used to own the east of usa.

    i'm with you MEXICAN POWER!

  26. Obviously you don't have a degree in Business Education.  The wealthiest state is CT followed by DC or vice versa.

    California infact though has a large, huge impact on national funds, it is primarily due to the ports of LA and Long Beach being the 5th largest in the world. Most of the US imports enter through here.  In addition, the movie industry financial contribution.  So before you start hounding about Mexican power (and by the way I am a latina), you need to know where the money comes from and where it goes.  CA has been in the hugest debt for over a decade, this year alone our schools lost 6.5 billion dollars in CA.... Our medical system in CA is the worst in the country due to so many (illegals) able to use medical facilities for free.  The LA County Hospital at USC is the largest FREE/Fee based hospital in the nation because it serves so many un documented people.  A family member died there, but without papers,insurance that was her only choice of care.

    Do your homework!  I am not against the immigration, but your facts are not right.

  27. Top 10 Richest States in the US

        1)  District of Columbia

        2)  Connecticut

        3)  New Jersey

        4)  New York

        5)  Massachusetts

        6)  Maryland

        7)  Hawaii

        8)  Nevada

        9)  Alaska

        10) Illinois

    Once you figure the state debt into the equation.  Most Western states are bankrupt or nearly bankrupt.

  28. Actually, those places were part of New Spain way longer than they were ever part of Mexico, like a few hundred years(Spain) compared to less than 30 years(Mexico), and many of the Hispanic families who have been inhabited those places, especially New Mexico and Colorado, some parts of Texas do not like to be referred to as Mexicans because their ancestors were from Spain and they fought against Mexico and sided with the US.

    If this was still part of Mexico it would have been completely destroyed by now and you know it.

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