
How come the engine in my car becomes louder when I go over 40 mph or more?

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I have a 2004 Chrysler Sebring , I just recently had an oil change I got new tires my brakes squeak I know I need new brakes shoes but what I don't know is why is my car sounding so loud when I go over 40mph any suggestions on what else I should have done to it?




  1. Where is the noise coming from? if it's from the front of the car my guess would be wheel bearings unless the new tires are just noisy. If there were cheap $35 tires they aren't going to be as quiet as a set of $200 touring tires.

  2. for your safety sake fix those brakes a.s.a.p, as for the loud noise it could be your exhaust or bad connecting rod bearings,have it check.good luck

  3. Was it doing this before you had everything done?

  4. time for a new car

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