
How come the group poll I made won't work & the link to the Poll pages is gone completely? Any way to fix?

by  |  earlier

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How come the group poll I made won't work & the link to the Poll pages is gone completely? Any way to fix?




  1. management- under group settings click web tools- web tools (edit) <-- click the edit- locate polls, select members- click save changes

    if you are not the owner, the owner then disabled the polls feature from members

  2. The ability to allow or disallow members' access to the Polls section of a Group is a setting controlled by the Group owner/moderator.  If the Polls link doesn't appear even when you're logged in, then it means the owner/moderator doesn't allow members' access to it.  Even if it did appear before, the owner/moderator has the ability to change this setting at any time.  Your only hope is to e-mail the owner/moderator at (replacing GroupName with the actual name of the Group, of course) and try to convince him/her to allow members' access to the Polls feature.

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